Sermons on Sin

Sermons on Sin

Matthew 6:25-34 – Seeking Instead of Worrying

In this passage Jesus talks about not giving in to anxiety. Christians are called to seek after God and put him first, not worry about the things of life. But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness!  Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded by clicking on the above “save” button) Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have…

Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18 – How To Be A Hypocrite

Hypocrisy is a huge turn off to people. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the words of Jesus in Matthew 6 where he talks about three ways religious people can be hypocrites and how we can avoid doing being that way. A hypocrite is more concerned about how he/she looks on the outside. Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded by clicking on the above “save” button) Island Pond Baptist Church…

Matthew 5:21-26 – The Danger of Anger

In this section of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus affirms the commandment that we should not murder. But then he takes it step further by stating that we should not even be angry. In fact, if we are angry, we are the same as murderers. But if that is the case, how do we live? Why did Jesus get angry? Pastor Kyle addresses these questions and more. As Christians, we should hate murder and strive for…

Matthew 5:1-4 – How To Find Happiness in a Sad World (Part 1)

Matthew 5-7 contains a sermon given by Jesus to his disciples called the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Kyle begins looking at by focusing on the first four verses of chapter five. In these verses, Jesus says tells people how those who mourn and those who are poor in spirit will be blessed. Jesus modeled what it meant to be poor in spirit and to mourn.  Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be…

Matthew 1:5, Joshua 2 – Rahab: Second Chances

In this second sermon looking at the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 we turn to Rahab. Rahab’s story shows us that a messed up, sinful person can be redeemed by God. Even though we may not be involved in the same sins as Rahab, we have all sinned as well and need to be redeemed. Pastor Kyle talks about that and more. Just as Rahab renounced her own past and people, we are called to renounce our own past…

Matthew 1:3, Genesis 38 – Tamar: God Will Accomplish His Plan

Jesus had a bunch of crazy people and stories in his lineage. In this sermon series, Pastor Kyle looks at several of the stories from Matthew 1, which is the genealogy of Jesus. For the first sermon, we look at the story of Tamar in Genesis 38. It’s a crazy story and it is even crazier by the fact that Matthew points it out in Matthew 1. Why did Matthew do that? What can we learn from this crazy story?…

Judges 1:1-2:5 – One Way To Fail Spiritually

In the book of Joshua, the Israelites had so much potential and promise. They were accomplishing things with God’s help. But by the end of Judges, everything has gone downhill. What happened? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares one way that the Israelites ruined their spiritual lives and how it can happen to us as well. We fail spiritually when we only follow God half-heartedly. Sermon Clip   Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just…

Daniel 5 – New King, Same Problem

In Daniel 5, there is a new king in town. However, the same problems come up. The new king, King Belshazzar is full of pride and only wants to impress his followers by having a big, sinful party. In doing so, he intentionally insults God. This leads to his own downfall as well as the downfall of the nation. Don’t be impressed with shiny objects. Sermon Clip   Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just…

Daniel 4 – Pride Comes Before Destruction

In Daniel 4, King Nebuchadnezzar tells about a time when he let pride get the best of him. It led to his downfall. Yet in that downfall the king was able to humble himself and look up to heaven, focusing on God. This then turned a downfall into a new life. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains the story and shares what we can learn from the king so we don’t make the same mistakes. No matter how impressive your…

The Only Cure For Addiction Is Jesus

Lay Pastor Adam Houston preaches from several different texts with the message that only Jesus can truly cure an addiction. Before this sermon, several adults from Adult and Teen Challenge shared testimonies of finding freedom from drugs through Jesus Christ. You can view those testimonies at this link. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville,…

John 20 – Alive

Happy Easter! In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at John 20. From the moment Mary sees the empty tomb in verse 1 to a week later when Thomas is told Jesus is alive, Jesus’ followers doubt. They don’t believe until they actually see Jesus. Is it ok to doubt? What does Jesus do about our doubt? Pastor Kyle explores these subjects and more. At its core, being a Christian means having a personal relationship with God. Sermon Clip   Island…

Betrayed – John 18:1-11, 15-18, 25-27

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at parts of John 18 where Jesus is arrested and then Peter denies him three times. Through these verses, we see how man is at his worst by betraying, denying, or abandoning Jesus. However, even while man is at his worst, Jesus is at his best by showing love for those that follow him and then shortly after going to the cross. We should never let past victories be a predictor of future results.…