Sermons by Kyle Lewis

Sermons by Kyle Lewis

Genesis 32 – Strength In Weakness

Genesis 32 captures Jacob at a turning point—facing fear, clinging to self-reliance, and ultimately wrestling with God. Throughout the chapter, we see Jacob swing between faith and fear, confidence and control. But in the end, God meets him in his weakness, wounds him, and renames him. The limp Jacob receives becomes a symbol of spiritual strength—a reminder that God’s power is made perfect not in our strength, but in our surrender. This message challenges us to stop striving in our…

Genesis 29 – The Greatest Wedding Prank Ever

Continuing our Genesis series, we explored Genesis 29, where Jacob, fleeing from his brother, arrives at his destination and falls for Rachel. But instead of a love story without complications, Jacob is deceived into marrying Leah first, showing that the trickster has met his match in Uncle Laban. Yet, even in this mess of deception and polygamy, God is at work. He uses Leah, the overlooked sister, to continue the lineage of Jesus through Judah, showing that God loves and…

Genesis 28 – Jacob’s Ladder

We’ve returned to our Genesis series, diving into Genesis 28, where Jacob, fleeing from his brother Esau, has a significant dream about a ladder reaching to heaven. This vision isn’t just about Jacob—it’s a powerful symbol pointing to Jesus as the true connection between God and man. While the people of Babel tried to build their own way to heaven, Jacob’s dream reveals that God is the one who comes down to us. Jesus confirms this in John 1:51, saying…

Genesis 27 – A Tricky Family

Have you ever been tricked into thinking something was better than it actually was? In Genesis 27, we see an entire family—Isaac, Rebekah, Esau, and Jacob—all trying to manipulate their way to what they want. But in the end, God’s plan still stands. This passage reminds us that God’s blessings don’t depend on our goodness, and His will cannot be outsmarted. Instead of resisting Him, we’re better off trusting and submitting to what He’s already planned. If God can bless…

2 Corinthians 4:4-7 – From Blindness To Seeing

As we step into the new year, many of us have already broken our resolutions, including spiritual ones. This sermon addresses the challenge of spiritual stagnation and how to reignite faith by surrendering to Jesus Christ. We look at 2 Corinthians 4:4-7, which highlights how true spiritual growth begins with giving our lives to Christ and continues by allowing him to lead us daily. If you’re feeling spiritually dry or seeking direction, this sermon will guide you toward renewing your…

Genesis 22:1-19 – The Lord Will Provide

What happens when God gives you a test you never saw coming? In this sermon on Genesis 22, Pastor Kyle explores Abraham’s greatest test—being asked to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. Why would God command this? How does it fit with his character? And ultimately, how does this story foreshadow Jesus Christ and the gospel? Join us as we uncover how God provides, why obedience matters, and how Abraham’s journey points us to the ultimate sacrifice—Jesus, the Lamb of God.…

Genesis 19:30-38 – The Perfect Storm of Sin

What happens when we allow sin to take root in our lives and influence us and our families? In this sermon on Genesis 19:30-38, Pastor Kyle explores how Lot’s decisions to embrace sin in a number of areas led to the perfect storm of sin in his family. An isolated Christian is an at-risk Christian. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on the “save” button. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC…

Genesis 18-19 – Judgment and Mercy

In this sermon on Genesis 18-19, we explore the tension between God’s righteous judgment and his incredible mercy. Through the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Pastor Kyle reveals how God’s justice is tempered with grace, giving us hope through the intercession of Christ. Discover how this truth impacts your life today and be encouraged to turn to the one who offers salvation to all who believe! The intercession of Abraham gives us a picture of Jesus’ intercession for us. Sermon…

Genesis 17 – A Heavenly Rebrand

In this sermon on Genesis 17, we examine how God reaffirms His covenant with Abraham, giving him a new name, identity, and purpose. This “heavenly rebrand” signifies deeper intimacy with God, a promise to be a blessing to others, and the assurance of a heavenly homeland. Pastor Kyle highlights the transition from circumcision as the old covenant sign to baptism as the new covenant sign, symbolizing spiritual transformation in Christ. Christians are encouraged to embrace their new identity in Jesus…

Luke 2:8-20 – Christmas Humility

In Luke 2:8-20, God chooses to reveal the exciting news of Jesus coming to the earth as a baby. Yet he does not reveal it to prestigious or well-known people. Instead, he sends angels to reveal it to some lowly shepherds. Pastor Kyle talks about how this is a pattern throughout the Bible. God loves to use the unqualified and unsuccessful to accomplish his will! Do I have any unqualified, unsuccessful people here? If so, prepare to be used by…

Philippians 3:20-21 – Christmas Hope

Life is filled with hardship, physical decline, and emotional pain. It leaves us longing for something better. Drawing from Philippians 3:20-21, Pastor Kyle reminds Christians that their citizenship is in heaven, and while they face challenges now, they are waiting for Christ’s return, when he will transform broken bodies and make all things right. In the midst of hardships, there is hope through Jesus Christ. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on…

Psalm 98 – Christmas Joy

This sermon emphasizes joy in the face of difficulties, using Psalm 98 as the main text, which is the psalm that Isaac Watts based his hymn, “Joy To The World” off of. Pastor Kyle explains that true joy stems from understanding Jesus’ work—His salvation offered to all through His death and resurrection. Even thought we all have struggles in life, they don’t need to diminish the joy we can have when we keep the eternal perspective of salvation and heaven…