Sermons from June 2021
Psalm 51 and 2 Samuel 11-12 – How to Find Forgiveness
In the introduction of Psalm 51, we are told that it was written after the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sins with Bathsheba. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the story leading up to Psalm 51. He shows that, while it may be considered “basic,” knowing and living out Christ’s forgiveness is incredibly important for each person. Your sins may be great, but what Christ did was even greater! Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon…
Psalms 42-43 – God and Depression
Depression impacts a large amount of Americans. Rich people get depressed. Poor people get depressed. Famous people and less known people. Many presidents have struggled with it. In Psalm 42-43, we see that even people that follow God experience depression. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows us what the psalmist did in the midst of depression and what we can do the same in our own lives as well. Even when our minds are telling us there is no hope,…
Psalm 30 – Let’s Praise God
In Psalm 30, we see how David praised God in the good times. He was saved from a difficult situation so David praised God. However, in the second part of the Psalm, we see that David went through a difficult time. Yet even in the difficult time, David still praised God! Therefore, we can learn that it is important to praise God in the good AND in the bad. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows us why this is so…
Psalm 23 – God Is Your Shepherd
Psalm 23 is perhaps one of the most well known passages in the entire Bible. Not only is it loved by Christians, but many people who do not follow God know this psalm. Clearly, it has struck a nerve with people around the world. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines the beloved “23rd Psalm” and shows the implications of God being our shepherd. Knowing this should help us understand just how much God loves us and have confidence that we…