Sermons on Spiritual Life (Page 8)

Sermons on Spiritual Life (Page 8)

Judges 17-18 – Homemade Religion

In this strange story in Judges 17-18, we see a man named Micah creating a homemade version of following after God. In the end, this results in a lot of trouble for him. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows how we often make our own homemade religion and how it ends in trouble for us as well. Homemade smoothies are good! Homemade religions are bad. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on…

Judges 13 – Samson (part 1) – The God of the Impossible

Do you have an “impossible” situation in your life? A sin you can’t conquer? A health problem that is beyond your control? A relationship struggle that won’t get better? In this message, Pastor Kyle looks at Judges 13 and shows that nothing is impossible for God. And since nothing is impossible for him, we should not lose hope. God is a God of hope! Sermon Clip   The teaching sheet for the message can be downloaded by clicking on the…

Haggai 1:1-8 – Priorities

Guest speaker Dr. Terry Dorsett preaches from Haggai 1:1-8 on the importance of having correct priorities. Dr. Dorsett is the executive director of the Baptist Convention of New England. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would love…

Judges 6:1-32 – Wimps Who Win

Let’s face it: Gideon was a wimp. Yet despite the fact that he was fearful every step of the way, God greeted him by saying, “Hello mighty man of valor!” Why is that? The answer to that is something we all need to hear. You see, God did not declare Gideon mighty because of Gideon’s might. He declared Gideon mighty because of God’s might in him. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows why this is so important for us to…

Judges 4-5 – Calling Men And Women!

In Judges 4, we see our first and only female Judge. God speaks through her and leads her to deliver Israel from their enemy. This story shows us just how important women are in kingdom work. However, in chapter five, we also see how important men are as well. In fact, for us to effectively reach the world, both men and women are needed for kingdom work! In this sermon, Pastor Kyle challenges men and women to get involved in…

James 5:13-20 – The Importance of Prayer

Parting last words. There is an element of weight and importance to them. In these parting last words of James, the author has a very simple message: never stop praying. Not only is prayer important because it keeps our thoughts focused on God, but it also connects us with him. It is when we are connected that he is most likely to do mighty things through us. God does not ask us to be amazing. He simply asks us to…

James 4:1-12 – Who Is Your Friend?

After a short break we continue through our series in James. In this passage, James will talk about two types of friendships: with the world and with God. One will lead to a life of chaos. The other will lead to a life of spiritual fruitfulness. Which one will you choose? The key word is ONE because you can only be friends with one. So if you choose to be friends with the world, you will become an enemy of…

MiniChurch 4/15/20

MiniChurch is a short, mid-week service to help you refuel spiritually. Pastor Kyle looks at John 16:33.   Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would love for you to come and visit! 

MiniChurch Service 4/9/20

MiniChurch is a short, mid-week service to help you refuel spiritually. Pastor Kyle looks at Luke 22:7-23 and explains why communion is so important.   Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would love for you to come…

James 3:13-18 – Do You Have Heavenly Wisdom?

In chapter 3, James describes two types of wisdom. One if from the world and leads to selfishness and vile practices. The other is from heaven and leads to peace and a harvest of righteousness. The problem is that we do not need any help attaining worldly wisdom! In fact, it is so prevalent in our culture that we just assume it is normal. James encourages us to instead pursue heavenly wisdom. If you do, not only will you benefit…

James 3:1-12 – The Power of the Tongue

The tongue can wield an enormous of power. It can be used for both good and bad. In this passage, James talks about the importance of using your tongue for good and not bad. He describes how the tongue reveals what is on the inside of you. Do you have trouble controlling your tongue? The more we submit our lives to Jesus, the more we will get better at controlling our tongue! Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet can be downloaded…

James 2:14-26 – Real Faith

Due to a camera problem, the video quality is not as good as usual. We apologize for the inconvenience.  What does real faith look like? How do you reconcile good works and faith? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explores how James describes real faith and how we can live it out in our own lives. Don’t let your actions show one thing and your words another. Make sure that your actions are backing up what you say you believe! It’s…