"Persecution" Tagged Sermons

"Persecution" Tagged Sermons

Matthew 5:10-12 – The Persecuted Christian Is Blessed

While a Christian in the United States may experience small types of persecution, there are many people around the world that are going to prison, beaten, or even killed for their faith. Strangely, Jesus says that people who are persecuted for following Jesus will be blessed. How is a persecuted person blessed? Pastor Kyle answers that question and more. We rejoice because of what will come out of the persecution. Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of…

Daniel 7 – Signs of the Future Times

Starting in this chapter, Daniel 7, the book takes a dramatic shift from stories about God working through Daniel and his friends to Daniel’s visions. These visions are considered apocalyptic literature, which is a unique style of writing that uses a lot of symbolism to talk about the future. While this chapter is full of beasts and fear, it is also clear that Jesus will be victorious in the end. It may hurt now but it will be worth it…

Romans 12:9-21 – Love In Action (part 2)

What does it look like to love your enemy? How do we, as Christians, love someone who is persecuting us? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle continues looking at Romans 12:9-21. Verses 9-13 focus on loving fellow believers. Starting in verse 14, Paul transitions to talking about what it looks like to love your enemy. Because Christ loved us when we were an enemy to him, we can love others who are enemies to us. Love is often doing the opposite…

Acts 5:17-42 – A Spirit-Empowered Prison Escape

We all love a good prison escape story, but the one in Acts 5 is unique. Not only does an angel break them out, but they are told to go and keep doing the very thing that got them put into prison! In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines the motivations behind going back out into public after “escaping.” Do we have the same passion as the apostles, even at the risk of persecution? They knew, that they knew, that they…

Acts 4:1-22 – A Spirit-Empowered Defense Against Persecution

Persecution of Christians is happening all around the world. While it is not as prevalent here in the United States, there is still a lot we can learn from this passage on persecution. Pastor Kyle gives four “rules” from Acts 4:1-22 that will help us stand up against persecution and live out the Christian life. A person with a correct understanding of who Jesus is will have far less fear about what man can do to him. Sermon Clip (The…