"faith" Tagged Sermons
Genesis 22:1-19 – The Lord Will Provide
What happens when God gives you a test you never saw coming? In this sermon on Genesis 22, Pastor Kyle explores Abraham’s greatest test—being asked to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. Why would God command this? How does it fit with his character? And ultimately, how does this story foreshadow Jesus Christ and the gospel? Join us as we uncover how God provides, why obedience matters, and how Abraham’s journey points us to the ultimate sacrifice—Jesus, the Lamb of God.…
Genesis 15 – The Abrahamic Covenant, Jesus, and You
In this sermon, we look at how God’s promise to Abram—sealed with a powerful and unique ceremony—points directly to Jesus Christ. God alone takes responsibility for fulfilling the covenant, foreshadowing Jesus bearing the punishment for humanity’s sins. Through this lens, we explore the marks of spiritual maturity, such as living with contentment and faith that God is our shield and reward. The sermon challenges us to believe, live out our faith, and give thanks to the God who fulfills His…
Genesis 12 – Promises and Faith
In Genesis 12 we are introduced to a man named Abram (later changed to Abraham). Abraham is one of the most important characters in the Old Testament. In this first chapter on his life, we learn about his calling and the promises that God makes to him. What the Israelites (as a whole) could not do, the one Israelite, Jesus Christ, DID do! Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on the “save”…
Psalm 91 – God is Bigger Than Our Fears
In Psalm 91, we see a number of different fears that a person would experience in the ancient world. Yet in the midst of all those big fears, Psalm 91 shows that God is bigger than each of them. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what this means for us and then spends time answering a very important question regarding the tension we see between God being bigger than these fears and people still suffering. My God is able to,…
Daniel 6 – A Good Night’s Sleep
Daniel 6 contains one of the most popular stories in the Old Testament. Daniel is thrown into a den of lions because he refused to stop praying to God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about the implications of this story for us today. The king had good intentions. Daniel had good convictions. Sermon Clip Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church…
Romans 9:30-10:21 – Our Responsibility
After spending most of chapter 9 talking about God’s sovereignty and his election of people, Paul transitions into something that seems to be contrary to what he just talked about: man’s responsibility. Paul says that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. With that in mind, we as Christians are called to proclaim the message of Jesus to people around us. Paul was willing to step outside of his comfort zone, traditions, and customs in order to reach people. So…
Romans 4:16-35 – A Case Study On Faith (part 2)
Why would a 99 year old man believe that that he and his wife were going to have a biological baby? One word: faith. God said it, so it was going to happen. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the second half of Romans 4 and shows us how faith plays out when everything around you says something different. God said it will happen. He has done it before. He will do it again. Sermon Clip The message…
Romans 4:1-15 – A Case Study On Faith
In Romans 4, Paul moves from telling us what the good news is to giving us an example of how it was practiced. Abraham was not a perfect man. He messed up a bunch, including trying to give away the very woman who was supposed to have his son! Yet through it all, he was called righteous. Why? Because he had faith in God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains this idea and what it means for us today. Faith…
Romans 3:21-31 – The Righteousness of God
Verses 21-26 are viewed my some scholars and pastors as the most important part of Romans. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle says that if we truly understand the righteousness of God and how Jesus Christ has made a way for us to be made righteous, then it will impact how we live out our life. We should aim to be more humble, focus on faith instead of works (in terms of salvation), and pursue unity in the church. The reason…
Psalm 91 – Big Fears, Bigger God
We are all afraid of something. Whether it be snakes, death, or health issues, fears come in many different forms. In Psalm 91, we see a number of different fears that a person would experience in the ancient world. Yet in the midst of all those big fears, Psalm 91 shows that God is bigger than each of them. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what this means for us and then spends time answering a very important question regarding…
Psalms 42-43 – God and Depression
Depression impacts a large amount of Americans. Rich people get depressed. Poor people get depressed. Famous people and less known people. Many presidents have struggled with it. In Psalm 42-43, we see that even people that follow God experience depression. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows us what the psalmist did in the midst of depression and what we can do the same in our own lives as well. Even when our minds are telling us there is no hope,…
Ephesians 2:8-9 – How Can I Be Sure I Am Saved?
We’ve all seen those people: They prayer a prayer or walk down the aisle, but then later on when something happens, they stray from their their faith. Were these people truly saved? Other people spend way too much time fearing that they are not saved. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about some of the ways a person can know they are saved and why it is so important. It is not your power that keeps you saved. You stay…