Sermons by Kyle Lewis (Page 14)

Sermons by Kyle Lewis (Page 14)

Galatians 5:25-6:5 – Gospel-Centered Relationships

Paul continues talking about living in the Spirit, but in chapter 6 he begins getting into the “nitty gritty.” He talks about how Christians are called to help others who have fallen into sin. This is hard to do though. How do you confront someone about sin? Thankfully, Paul also gives some guidelines for doing this. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares what these guidelines are and the mindset we should have when we help people who have fallen into…

Galatians 5:16-26 – The Walking Dead

We are all walking somewhere. As Christians we are called to walk in the direction of freedom. But how exactly do we do this? What does it look like? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Galatians 5:16-26 and answers those questions. He shows what walking in the Spirit looks like and does not look like. Do you know if the direction you are walking is the right one? You can’t walk in different directions at the same time. Sermon…

Galatians 5:1-15 – Living In Gospel Freedom

Even though Christians have been set free by Jesus Christ, we can still act in a way that will put us back into slavery. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives us three things to remember from Galatians 5:1-15. Each of these three things are important in helping us walk in freedom, not slavery. Faith in Jesus Christ is the filter through which our other actions and beliefs go through. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be…

Galatians 4:21-31 – Living In Trust

In this passage, Paul looks at the two different ways that Abraham’s children were born. One through Hagar, a servant, and the other through Sarah, his wife. Hagar conceived and gave birth when Abraham became impulsive and did not trust God. Sarah later conceived and gave birth through God’s power. Paul shows us that we need keep our trust in God’s promises. When we do not, we put ourselves back into slavery. Will you live a life of trust or…

Galatians 4:8-20 – Three Signs You Are Wasting Your Life

None of us want to get to the end of our life and think, “I haven’t accomplished much at all! I’ve wasted my life!” Yet that is the fear that Paul shares about the church in Galatia. He fears that he may have wasted his time with them. In this sermon, we will learn from the church of Galatia and see three signs that we are wasting our life as well. Let’s not do what the Galatians did! Do you…

Galatians 3:26-4:7 – What Does It Mean To Be A Son Of God?

In Galatians 3:26, Paul says that those who have put their faith in Jesus are sons of God. That sounds great, but what does it mean to be a son of God? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what it means and what the implications are for a Christian. Being a son of God is not only an amazing privilege, but it also shows just how much God loves us. Since we are a son of God we should aim…

Galatians 3:1-25 – Faith: The Means By Which We Live

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows that faith in Jesus Christ is not the start point of the Christian life, it IS the Christian life. We are called to live by faith every day. This life of faith should have a dramatic impact on how we live. We don’t start our life out with faith and then move on. We dive deeper and deeper into faith with Jesus Christ! Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be…

Galatians 2:11-21 – Living The Crucified Life

In Galatians 2:20, Paul writes, “I have been crucified with Christ.” But what exactly does that mean? How can a person live the crucified life? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what it means to live as someone who has been crucified with Christ. It begins with having a proper understanding of what it means to be justified. Only once you have a proper understanding of being justified can you begin to live out the crucified life. Since you have…

Galatians 2:1-10 – Making The Gospel Visible

Some things you just can’t keep to yourself. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares about how the gospel is one of those things. If you have been truly saved, then it is something that you will want to share. In addition to this, the true gospel in your life will “shine” out in other ways. We will see several of these ways that Paul mentions in Galatians 2:1-10. If it is important to you, then you will WANT to share…

Galatians 1:10-24 – From Terrorist to Missionary

In verses 10-24, Paul shares about how his life was transformed from being a terrorist into a missionary. He was full of hate and ended up full of love and hope. What made the difference? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares the key ingredient to a changed life and then how it applies to those who have been a Christian for a long time. The basic message of the gospel is one that we are called to live out. Sermon…

Galatians 1:1-9 – No Other Gospel

This is the first sermon in our new series through the Letter to the Galatians! In this first part, we see Paul explain how important the gospel message is and that some folks were trying to add to the message. Pastor Kyle shows that to add to the gospel message is to essentially cancel the gospel message. This letter was given 2000 years ago but is still very applicable to us as well. We often gravitate toward adding or subtracting…

Judges 19-21 – Don’t Do This On Your Own

In this last sermon in the book of Judges, we see people living their own way. They have their own morality and their own “right” and “wrong”. Obviously, this leads to all sorts of problems. Pastor Kyle shows why we need to stick to Scripture as the truth and make Jesus the fixed point of our life. Judges ends in a very sour way and the same will happen to us if we live apart from God and his direction…