Sermons by Kyle Lewis (Page 14)
Psalm 51 – How To Repent
In the last sermon, we looked at repentance and forgiveness from a spiritual perspective. This time we look at repentance from the human side of things. Psalm 51 gives us an “inside look” at David’s thinking when he repented of his sins. As we examine how David repented, we can learn from it and know how to do it more effectively ourselves. Look to God to restore your life! Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be…
Psalm 51 and 2 Samuel 11-12 – How to Find Forgiveness
In the introduction of Psalm 51, we are told that it was written after the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sins with Bathsheba. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the story leading up to Psalm 51. He shows that, while it may be considered “basic,” knowing and living out Christ’s forgiveness is incredibly important for each person. Your sins may be great, but what Christ did was even greater! Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon…
Psalms 42-43 – God and Depression
Depression impacts a large amount of Americans. Rich people get depressed. Poor people get depressed. Famous people and less known people. Many presidents have struggled with it. In Psalm 42-43, we see that even people that follow God experience depression. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows us what the psalmist did in the midst of depression and what we can do the same in our own lives as well. Even when our minds are telling us there is no hope,…
Psalm 30 – Let’s Praise God
In Psalm 30, we see how David praised God in the good times. He was saved from a difficult situation so David praised God. However, in the second part of the Psalm, we see that David went through a difficult time. Yet even in the difficult time, David still praised God! Therefore, we can learn that it is important to praise God in the good AND in the bad. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows us why this is so…
Psalm 23 – God Is Your Shepherd
Psalm 23 is perhaps one of the most well known passages in the entire Bible. Not only is it loved by Christians, but many people who do not follow God know this psalm. Clearly, it has struck a nerve with people around the world. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines the beloved “23rd Psalm” and shows the implications of God being our shepherd. Knowing this should help us understand just how much God loves us and have confidence that we…
Psalm 19 – God Speaks To Us
In Psalm 19, David gives two ways that God speaks to us. He speaks to us through creation, telling us about his handiwork and glory. He also speaks to us through Scripture, in which we learn more about who he is and what he has done for us. We should be listening to what he says in both ways. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains how we can better listen to him through the ways that he is speaking to…
Psalm 1:1-6 – The Blessed Life
Do you want to live a blessed life? Do you want to have deep joy and happiness that only comes from knowing you have a relationship with God and that your sins are forgiven? In this first chapter in Psalms, we are told how we can have a blessed life. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what it means to be blessed (and what it does NOT mean) and what we are called to do in order to be blessed.…
2 Timothy 4:1-8 – Paul’s Retirement Message
Can Christians glorify God during retirement? If so, how do they do it? In this message, Pastor Kyle looks at some of Paul’s last words he wrote before he was martyred. The words, in essence, compose his retirement message. In the message, Paul encourages us to keep fighting until the end, stay focused on the mission God has given us, and always preach the word. It is not a bad thing to stop your vocation job, but it is a…
Genesis 1:28 – Work Is Good
It is common for people to think that work began after sin came into the world. But in this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Genesis 1:28 to show us that work came before sin and that work is actually a good thing. No matter the work that you are in, God can use you in your job! No matter our employer, we are ultimately working for God. Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by…
Ephesians 4:1-3 – Calling, Not Vocation
This is the first sermon in a three part series on glorifying God at work. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Ephesians 4:1-3, in which we learn that no matter the job we have, we can still glorify God. As Paul was writing the letter he was in a very non-ideal position in prison. But even then he encouraged people to live out the calling God gave them. You may not be in a great job right now. No…
Ecclesiastes 11:7 – 12:14 – Don’t Waste Your Life
In this last passage in Ecclesiastes, Solomon has some important warnings: enjoy your youthful days, watch out because aging is coming, remember that your actions still matter. Then, in the final verses of the book, he sums up his entire message by telling us to fear God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines the final words of Solomon and shows us how we can avoid the warning of not wasting our life. When you are almost dead, what is going…
Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 – Living With The End In Mind
Death is coming. It is not something that we can avoid. We can’t purchase our way out of it. It will happen to the rich and poor, the handsome and the ugly, the religious and non-religious. To make matters worse, we do not know when it is going to come! So with this depressing thought in mind, how should we live? In this passage, Pastor Kyle explains from the words of Solomon how we should live in light of the…