Sermons on The Gospel (Page 6)

Sermons on The Gospel (Page 6)

Psalm 23:2-3 – The Shepherd Restores Me

In Psalm 23:2-3, David talks about God restoring him. Pastor Kyle looks at these words and explains what it means for God to restore us and WHY we needed to be restored in the first place. Apart from God, we all have an emptiness inside of us that we try to fill with different things. Only God will fill it. Will you turn to him today to restore you? Green pastures may not seem probable to a normal shepherd in…

Acts 5:17-42 – A Spirit-Empowered Prison Escape

We all love a good prison escape story, but the one in Acts 5 is unique. Not only does an angel break them out, but they are told to go and keep doing the very thing that got them put into prison! In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines the motivations behind going back out into public after “escaping.” Do we have the same passion as the apostles, even at the risk of persecution? They knew, that they knew, that they…

Acts 4:10-12 – No Other Name

Associate Pastor Gary Rowe talks about how salvation is only found in Jesus Christ. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Acts 4:1-22 – A Spirit-Empowered Defense Against Persecution

Persecution of Christians is happening all around the world. While it is not as prevalent here in the United States, there is still a lot we can learn from this passage on persecution. Pastor Kyle gives four “rules” from Acts 4:1-22 that will help us stand up against persecution and live out the Christian life. A person with a correct understanding of who Jesus is will have far less fear about what man can do to him. Sermon Clip (The…

Acts 3:1-26 – The Purpose of Miracles

What do we make of all those healings in the Bible? What do we make of healings today? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Acts 3:1-26, which is about a lame man being healed. He then shows how Peter’s explanation of the miracle sheds light on how we should understand them. The purpose of miracles are to point people to Jesus Christ. Not to make you famous. Not to use as a way to get donations. They are to…

Acts 2:42-47 – Four Actions of a Spirit-Empowered Christian

How do you know if you are doing well spiritually? In Acts 2:42-47, we see Christians devoting themselves to four things. While this is not an exhaustive list, these four actions are important for all Christians to focus on. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what these four actions are and why they are so important. Do you want God to work mightily in your life? Do you want others to be in “awe” of what God is doing? Do…

Acts 2:13-41 – Peter’s First Sermon

After the events at Pentecost, all the bystanders stood around, wondering, “What in the world just happened?” So weak Peter get’s up and preaches a bold, powerful sermon. What made the difference? Just 50 days prior he denies Christ three times, but now he is boldly proclaiming him. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives two things that made all the difference in Peter and can make all the difference in us as well. Peter was totally changed after he witnessed…

Acts 2:1-12 – The Coming of the Holy Spirit

What’s the big deal with Pentecost? And what exactly does it all mean? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains the events of Pentecost and shows the significance of the events and what they mean for Christians today. Pentecost completely revolutionized Christianity and the impact is still felt today. Just like the invention of the airplane revolutionized travel, the events of Pentecost revolutionized Christianity. Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet can be downloaded by clicking on the above “save” button)

Acts 1:1-11 – Jesus Ascends… Now What?

The disciples had spent three years with Jesus, but by the end of this passage he would no longer be with them physically. What were they to do once Jesus left? Sit back and wait? Hide from the world? Verse 8 gives us the answer: “Be my witnesses!” In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about the importance of being a witness for Christ and how we go about being a witness. We are not called to live a life of…

Exodus 12:21-23 – What’s The Big Deal With Easter?

In this Easter Sunday sermon, Pastor Kyle answers the question, “What’s The Big Deal With Easter?” Why is Easter usually the most attended day at church? Why not Cinco De Mayo or Valentine’s Day? It all comes down to the significance of Easter, which Pastor Kyle explains by looking at the story of Passover in Exodus 12. Just as the blood of a lamb was required for the angel of death to “pass over” a house, the blood of Jesus…

Luke 5:17-26 – Are You A Fan or Contributor?

In Luke 5, several friends work hard for the sake of one. Pastor Kyle points out several things that we can learn from them as we reach out to our “one” as well. This is the second of two sermons in the “Who’s Your One?” series. The friends of the paralytic encountered an obstacle when trying to help him. The door to Jesus was completely blocked so they went through the roof instead. When we encounter obstacles in getting our…