Sermons on Calling

Sermons on Calling

Matthew 4:18-22 – A Disciple is Called

In this new series, Pastor Kyle answers the question, “What is a disciple of Jesus Christ?” Answering this question is vital if we are to follow out his command to go and make disciples (Matthew 28). In this first sermon, Pastor Kyle starts at the foundation and talks about how a disciple of Jesus is called by Jesus. He then shows how this goes beyond the first disciples to all people who are followers of Jesus Christ. If you have…

Ephesians 4:1-3 – Calling, Not Vocation

This is the first sermon in a three part series on glorifying God at work. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Ephesians 4:1-3, in which we learn that no matter the job we have, we can still glorify God. As Paul was writing the letter he was in a very non-ideal position in prison. But even then he encouraged people to live out the calling God gave them. You may not be in a great job right now. No…