Sermons on Spiritual Life (Page 4)
Matthew 4:18-22 – A Disciple is Called
In this new series, Pastor Kyle answers the question, “What is a disciple of Jesus Christ?” Answering this question is vital if we are to follow out his command to go and make disciples (Matthew 28). In this first sermon, Pastor Kyle starts at the foundation and talks about how a disciple of Jesus is called by Jesus. He then shows how this goes beyond the first disciples to all people who are followers of Jesus Christ. If you have…
Daniel 12 – How Long, O Lord?
Daniel 12 is the final chapter of the book of Daniel. This chapter ends with some final words from the angel telling Daniel to continue to wait. Daniel wants to know when God will fix things but the angel does not tell him. Instead, he tells him to, “go your way till the end. And you shall rest and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days.” In other words, “keep pressing on.” In this sermon,…
Daniel 9:20-27 – Going Through Dark Times
In the second part of chapter 9, the angel Gabriel describes a vision about 70 weeks. While this is a difficult passage to interpret, the takeaway is that there will be bumps along the road but Jesus is ultimately going to win. Things do not happen in our time frame, but in God’s. However, we can have confidence to know that God will carry it to completion. A “no” or “wait” from God always results in something better later on.…
Daniel 9:1-19 – Are You Praying?
Pastor Kyle preaches from Daniel 9:1-19. In this passage, Daniel prays for his own people. Do you want to get better at praying? This passage shows us how we can pray more for our family and nation. Additionally, Pastor Kyle answers the questions, “Why should we pray if God already knows the future?” Are you using your heavenly access? Sermon Clip Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also…
Daniel 6 – A Good Night’s Sleep
Daniel 6 contains one of the most popular stories in the Old Testament. Daniel is thrown into a den of lions because he refused to stop praying to God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about the implications of this story for us today. The king had good intentions. Daniel had good convictions. Sermon Clip Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church…
Daniel 2:24-49 – Dreams of the Future
Starting in Daniel 2:24, Daniel meets with the king and gives him the dream and its interpretation. The dream comes off as strange to 21st century readers, but the basic idea has powerful implications that extend to today. With all the craziness going on in life, God is still in control. Even more, God is stronger than any other kingdom out there. Pastor Kyle talks about the implications of this and how we can live in light of the dream.…
Daniel 2:17-24 – Kneeling Before God
It the midst of the long passage in Daniel 2 comes a short account of what happens after God gives Daniel the interpretation he needs. Daniel stops and blesses God! In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at what it means to bless God and why it is so important for all Christians to be doing it. Is your life showing that blessing God is essential? Sermon Clip Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just…
Daniel 2:1-19 – When Life Gets Out of Control
What do you do when life gets out of control? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the first part of Daniel 2. Daniel had gone through a lot during chapter one faces an even worse trial in chapter 2 where he is almost executed. Daniels responds in a way that is worth us looking at more in depth. However, the only reason Daniel is able to do what he does is because he knew God was in control. Daniel…
Daniel 1 – Living Far From Home
This is a new series through the book of Daniel (focusing mostly on chapters 1-6). In chapter 1, Daniel and several of his teenage friends are ripped out of Judah and taken to a foreign land as servants of King Nebuchadnezzar. Through this chapter, Pastor Kyle shows us what we can learn from a chapter like this, focusing on how we as Christians are also living in a foreign world since we are from the heavenly kingdom. This is not…
Philemon 4-7 – Putting God in Charge
In Philemon 4-7, Paul says that he has been praying for Philemon. While this sounds fairly mundane, the reality behind it can be life changing. What if we were to start praying for difficult situations we were in? What if, instead of focusing on our own efforts, we looked to God for help? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines how we can put God in charge through prayer. While God can work in any situation, when we need his help,…
Philemon 1-3 – Know Who You Are
What do you do when a fellow Christian does not agree with you? How can you handle conflict with other believers? In this new series, Pastor Kyle looks at a very small letter, Philemon. In these 25 verses, the apostle Paul is writing to Philemon about an issue about a runaway slave. In this first sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at verses 1-3, which reveal the identities of the people involved. How does one’s identity impact how you interact with them?…
1 Peter 2:9-10 – Called To Proclaim
In this series, Pastor Kyle focuses on five steps to take to grow spiritually. In this sermon, which is the fifth step, Pastor Kyle talks about the importance of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Looking at 1 Peter 2:9-10, we are told who we are, what we should do (in light of who we are), and why we should do it. Because we are God’s chosen people, we are called to proclaim God’s love to others. When you…