Sermons on Growth

Sermons on Growth

1 Peter 2:9-10 – Called To Proclaim

In this series, Pastor Kyle focuses on five steps to take to grow spiritually. In this sermon, which is the fifth step, Pastor Kyle talks about the importance of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Looking at 1 Peter 2:9-10, we are told who we are, what we should do (in light of who we are), and why we should do it. Because we are God’s chosen people, we are called to proclaim God’s love to others. When you…

Romans 12:1-2 – Blasting Off As A Christian

Romans 12 is the start of a new section of the book. Paul has just spent 11 chapters focusing on some awesome, yet heavy, theology. Now he moves on to the application. In this first sermon in the application section, Pastor Kyle shows two keys to “blasting off” (or growing) as a Christian. If you want to grow as a Christian, then you must have the right actions and beliefs. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can…

Galatians 6:6-10 – We Reap What We Sow

As we approach the end of our series through Galatians, Pastor Kyle looks at verses 6-10 where Paul says we reap what we sow. In this sermon, we will look at what that means for our lives and why it is so urgent for today. That’s because your actions now point you in the direction of your life in the future. So if you want to be godly in five years, then you must be intentional about it today. NOTE:…