Sermons on Discipleship

Sermons on Discipleship

Matthew 28:16-20 – A Disciple Makes Disciples

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives the seventh characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, which is: A disciple of Jesus Christ makes other disciples. In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus is speaking with his disciples and gives them a command. He tells them go out and make other disciples. But how is this done? What is a disciple? Pastor Kyle looks at this and explains more. Our top priority as individuals and a church should be to make disciples. Sermon…

John 15:1-11 – A Disciple Bears Fruit

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives the fifth characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, which is: A disciple of Jesus Christ bears fruit. In John 15:1-11, Jesus gives an analogy about vines and vineyards. He says that he is the vine, God the father is the gardener, and we are the branches. As people who are part of Christ, our job is to bear fruit coming out of our connection with him. Pastor Kyle explains more about this…

Matthew 4:18-22 – A Disciple is Called

In this new series, Pastor Kyle answers the question, “What is a disciple of Jesus Christ?” Answering this question is vital if we are to follow out his command to go and make disciples (Matthew 28). In this first sermon, Pastor Kyle starts at the foundation and talks about how a disciple of Jesus is called by Jesus. He then shows how this goes beyond the first disciples to all people who are followers of Jesus Christ. If you have…

Matthew 28:18-20 – New Year, Same Mission

2023 is now upon us! In this new year, what will we focus on? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Jesus’ last words in Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus tells us what to focus on as individuals and as a church. Go and make disciples! There are a lot of other things we can do, but we need to make sure we keep the most important the most important. Yes, it’s a new year, but we have the same mission. If…

Matthew 28:16-20 – We Are Called To Make Disciples

“If we don’t know where we are headed, then any direction will get us there.” In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about where the church is headed in the next few years. Preaching from Matthew 28, he shows that Jesus has given all Christians the mission of making disciples. That should be our focus as a church and that is what we will be working toward improving in the years to come. If Jesus wants Christians to make disciples, then…