Sermons on Disagreeing

Sermons on Disagreeing

Philemon 4-7 – Putting God in Charge

In Philemon 4-7, Paul says that he has been praying for Philemon. While this sounds fairly mundane, the reality behind it can be life changing. What if we were to start praying for difficult situations we were in? What if, instead of focusing on our own efforts, we looked to God for help? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines how we can put God in charge through prayer. While God can work in any situation, when we need his help,…

Philemon 1-3 – Know Who You Are

What do you do when a fellow Christian does not agree with you? How can you handle conflict with other believers? In this new series, Pastor Kyle looks at a very small letter, Philemon. In these 25 verses, the apostle Paul is writing to Philemon about an issue about a runaway slave. In this first sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at verses 1-3, which reveal the identities of the people involved. How does one’s identity impact how you interact with them?…

Romans 15:1-13 – For The Glory of God

Last week’s sermon, looking at the end of chapter 14, dealt with letting our conscience guide us on disputable matters. Paul looks at things from a different perspective at the beginning of chapter 15 and emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the weak over the strong. Paul, who called himself strong, said that he should look past his own desires and seek to live in a way to build others up. As we do that we will glorify…

Romans 14:13-23 – The Mature Way

How does one deal with disputable matters? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle continues talking about how we navigate issues that aren’t clear in Scripture but that people have strong opinions on. In the passage, we see that we are to let our spirit-guided conscience guide us on disputable matters and to put love over liberty. That is the mature way. A spiritually mature person asks, “How do I glorify God in this situation?” instead of “What will benefit me the…

Romans 14:1-12 – When Christians Have Different Opinions

Romans 14 deals with Christians who have different opinions. In Paul’s situation, the church did not know how to address those that disagreed over food and the correct day to worship. Paul encourages them to stay focused on the most important thing… Jesus Christ. With the minor issues, let your conscience be your guide and be ok with differences. While these are not issues we struggle with today, there is still a lot we can learn. Make the most important…