Sermons on Sin (Page 4)

Sermons on Sin (Page 4)

Judges 1:1-2:5 – How To Fail Spiritually – Part 1

The book of Judges shows the downward spiral of the nation of Israel. In the previous book of the Bible, Joshua, the nation showed so much promise. However, by the end of Judges, they were spiritually in shambles. So what happened? What went wrong? In this first chapter, the author of Judges lays a foundation for their spiritual failure. Let’s learn from the Israelites so we can know what NOT to do. Failure comes when you only follow God half-heartedly.…

James 4:13-17 – The Danger of Pride

In James 4:13-17, James warns us about the dangers of pride and how it can lead to our spiritual downfall. Therefore we must be very intentional about getting it out of our life. In this passage, James gives two examples about how pride leads us astray and how we can get it out of our life. Even when times are crazy, God does not give us permission to act pridefully. Sermon Clip Full Service MESSAGE Notes James 4:13-17 – The…

James 1:13-18 – Keeping Faith During Temptation

How can you keep faith during times of temptation? In this sermon, James tells us about the dangers of giving into temptation and why we should pursue God instead. James says that following God is so much better than following temptation. Temptation leads to death, but God is the path of life. The choice is yours: which will you choose? We need to realize that a better life comes from following God than following sin! Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet…

Psalm 1:1-6 – The Path To A Happy Life

We are constantly shown on television and other places that the path to a happy life is success or money. But in Psalm 1, we are given an alternative. In this psalm, we are told that happiness does not come from money, fame, or a well-paying job. Instead, it comes through delighting in God’s Word. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines what it means to delight in God’s Word and what the consequences are for not delighting. Christianity is about…

Teen Challenge Testimonies

Guest Speaker: Teen Challenge sharing testimonies of overcoming drug and alcohol addictions. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would love for you to come and visit! 

Ephesians 4:31-32 – Get Rid Of Bitterness

Bitterness is one of those things that will eat you alive from the inside out if you are not careful to get rid of it quickly. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows why we need to forgive and what we should do instead. Not only is beneficial to forgive, but it is also modeled to us by Jesus. Let’s learn from his example and get rid of all bitterness! Yes, getting rid of bitterness will dramatically improve your life, but…

Psalm 23:2-3 – The Shepherd Restores Me

In Psalm 23:2-3, David talks about God restoring him. Pastor Kyle looks at these words and explains what it means for God to restore us and WHY we needed to be restored in the first place. Apart from God, we all have an emptiness inside of us that we try to fill with different things. Only God will fill it. Will you turn to him today to restore you? Green pastures may not seem probable to a normal shepherd in…

Acts 6:1-7 – Spirit-Empowered Growing Pains

As the church grew, things got more complicated. This caused one group to feel neglected and begin to grumble. How would they respond to these issues? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines how the early church dealt with these “growing pains” in Acts 6:1-7 and what we can learn from them. If a church grows, then growing pains are to be expected, and we must be ready to deal with them in the proper way. Are you going to be…

Matthew 6:25-34 – Christian, Don’t Worry!

Worry seems to be a normal part of the human experience. But as we read Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus tells us that there are certain things we should not worry about. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains Jesus’ words to show that instead of worrying we should pursue the things of God.  “Since God values you, you can trust that he will take care of your needs. Therefore you do not need to worry!” Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet can be…

Psalm 23:4 – I Will Fear No Evil

Psalm 23 is perhaps one of the most well known chapters in all of the Bible. In the second sermon of our Peace Within series, Pastor Kyle explains what David meant when he said he did not need to fear evil. There is a lot we can take away from what David said! “My challenge to you is not to become less fearful. My challenge to you is to stay close to the shepherd who can give you peace in…

Hebrews 13:1-7, 16 – How Do I Live A Life Of Worship? (part 1)

How do I live a life of worship? Here in Hebrews 13 we are given several directives on how we can do this. In this first part, Pastor Kyle talks about the importance of loving people and pursuing purity. None of us would want even a trace of toilet water in our soda. Likewise, we are called to have not even a HINT of immorality in our lives. SERMON CLIP (The teaching sheet can be downloaded by clicking on the…