Sermons on Sin (Page 3)
Jeremiah 23:1-8 – Christmas Hope For The Lost
Have you ever been super lost? It’s no fun. In our passage today, Israel and Judah are not only about to be super lost (in terms of location) but they are already lost spiritually. They are about to be attacked and carried off by the Babylonians. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at another Christmas prophecy that shows how Jesus comes in the midst of our lostness and four things to remember when you are spiritually lost. God isn’t gather…
Romans 3:9-20 – The Bad News: You Stink!
None of us like to hear bad news. But sometimes bad news is necessary so that we can find a solution. If we have a big booger on our nose, we need to be told the bad news so that we can then get that booger off! In Romans 3:9-20, Paul gives some very bad news. That news is that we all stink. We all are so sinful that we cannot make ourselves righteous enough to be with God. This…
Psalm 91 – Big Fears, Bigger God
We are all afraid of something. Whether it be snakes, death, or health issues, fears come in many different forms. In Psalm 91, we see a number of different fears that a person would experience in the ancient world. Yet in the midst of all those big fears, Psalm 91 shows that God is bigger than each of them. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what this means for us and then spends time answering a very important question regarding…
Psalm 73 – The Danger of Comparing
We’ve all done it. We look at what our neighbors or friends have and we think, “Why can’t I have that?!?” In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares how this was a struggle even back in biblical times. Asaph was envious of what he saw and wrote about it in Psalm 73. Thankfully, through looking to God, he caught himself before he slipped completely. Are you envious of their possessions, yet forgetting their fate? Sermon Clip The message notes for…
Psalm 1:1-6 – The Blessed Life
Do you want to live a blessed life? Do you want to have deep joy and happiness that only comes from knowing you have a relationship with God and that your sins are forgiven? In this first chapter in Psalms, we are told how we can have a blessed life. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what it means to be blessed (and what it does NOT mean) and what we are called to do in order to be blessed.…
Ecclesiastes 11:7 – 12:14 – Don’t Waste Your Life
In this last passage in Ecclesiastes, Solomon has some important warnings: enjoy your youthful days, watch out because aging is coming, remember that your actions still matter. Then, in the final verses of the book, he sums up his entire message by telling us to fear God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines the final words of Solomon and shows us how we can avoid the warning of not wasting our life. When you are almost dead, what is going…
Ecclesiastes 3:16 – 4:3 – The Problem of Injustice
It’s no secret that this world is unfair at times. One look at the news around the world will show that there is a lot of unfair and unjust stuff that happens to people. So how do we, as Christians, reconcile the fact that we serve a caring and loving God yet live in a seemingly uncaring and unloving world? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows that many of these observations are not new. Solomon made them thousands of years…
Ecclesiastes 1:1-18, 12:8-14 – Are You Chasing The Wind?
We begin a new series through the book of Ecclesiastes. In today’s passage, Solomon warns that life can be like “chasing after the wind.” The depressing thing is that he seems to say that EVERYTHING we do in life is like chasing after the wind. Is this true? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what he is saying and how we can avoid living a life that is chasing after the wind. Jesus is the “lens” through which the rest…
1 Corinthians 6:12 – Can I Take Drugs?
Is it OK to take drugs? Prescribed drugs? Recreational drugs? What about smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol? This is a big topic, but in this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives several principles that we can follow to determine what we should and should not take. This is a message both for drug addicts and those who would never be tempted to take any drugs. Does it prevent me from glorifying God? This is a key question. Sermon Clip The message…
Genesis 2:24 – Does God Hate Sex?
Does God hate sex? After all, what group seems to be MOST against sex? Christians! In this message in the “Tough Issues” series, Pastor Kyle explains how God is not against sex. In fact, God wants husbands and wives to enjoy it together to the fullest. However, there are some important guidelines that we must follow in order to not be hurt. Sex gives us an earthly picture of the ecstasy of heaven! Sermon Clip The message notes for…
Galatians 6:11-18 – The Cross-Centered Life
In this last part of the last chapter of Galatians, Paul writes out with his own hand his final message. In one way, he is summarizing the entire book. But in another way, he is emphasizing the most important part. He calls the church to boast only in the cross of Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to do this? How does one boast in the cross? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows what it means to boast in…
Galatians 5:25-6:5 – Gospel-Centered Relationships
Paul continues talking about living in the Spirit, but in chapter 6 he begins getting into the “nitty gritty.” He talks about how Christians are called to help others who have fallen into sin. This is hard to do though. How do you confront someone about sin? Thankfully, Paul also gives some guidelines for doing this. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares what these guidelines are and the mindset we should have when we help people who have fallen into…