"Judgment" Tagged Sermons

"Judgment" Tagged Sermons

Micah 5:1-5 – Christmas Hope In Scary Times

Most would agree that the past two years have been scary. Some people have feared death or sickness from COVID. Others have feared the vaccine mandate. Many have struggled with jobs, relationship issues, and many other things. In our passage in Micah 5, we see that Israel is in a really scary situation as well. They are about to be destroyed by outside nations. But in the midst of this scary time, there is a prophecy of hope. In this…

Hebrews 7:1-28 – Jesus, Our Perfect High Priest

One day we will stand before God and be judged. Do you really want to stand there on your own? Jesus is the perfect person to stand on our behalf. Sermon Clip The teaching sheet can be downloaded by clicking on “save”.