"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 5)
Romans 3:9-20 – The Bad News: You Stink!
None of us like to hear bad news. But sometimes bad news is necessary so that we can find a solution. If we have a big booger on our nose, we need to be told the bad news so that we can then get that booger off! In Romans 3:9-20, Paul gives some very bad news. That news is that we all stink. We all are so sinful that we cannot make ourselves righteous enough to be with God. This…
Romans 2:12-29 – Religious People Need The Good News
Paul turns to addressing religious people in the second half of chapter 2. He wants to convey to his readers that you can be religious and still not have a relationship with Jesus. The is the danger that some religious people fall into, as they default back into their actions instead of turning to Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle points out three problems that religious people have and how the good news frees us to focus on other things.…
Romans 2:1-11 – Good People Need The Good News
In chapter 2, Paul addresses people who act well. They are moral, do good things, but do not follow God. Paul wants these people to know that they are bound for trouble if they continue like this. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives three descriptions of moral people from the passage and then shares one encouragement and two warnings for people who struggle with living a moral life apart from Jesus. Jesus didn’t die on the cross so that you…
Romans 1:18-32 – Why We Need The Good News
The first half of chapter one was full of good news. Paul described what Jesus Christ did for us and how those who have put their faith in him have been made righteous. In the second half of the chapter, the part Pastor Kyle focuses on in this sermon, Paul talks about the bad news. In learning about the bad news you will begin to see why the good news is so important. Once you understand how bad the bad…
Psalm 102 – Praying When Life Is A Mess
Let’s be honest, life can feel like a mess sometimes. And when that happens, the WORST thing you can do is run from God. Instead, you should run to God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Psalm 102 and shows how we can come to God in prayer when life is a mess. Through the Psalm we see that we should come to God desperately, honestly, and confidently. So when life is tough, let’s go to God! Our God…
John 3:14-17 – It’s All About the Gospel
Guest speaker David Jackson preaches from John 3:14-17 on the importance of the gospel. David currently works as the Replant Specialist of the East region for the North American Mission Board (NAMB). He has served as a pastor of churches from in Maine, California, and Maryland and is the author of five books. You can learn more about his ministry here. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many…
Psalm 51 – How To Repent
In the last sermon, we looked at repentance and forgiveness from a spiritual perspective. This time we look at repentance from the human side of things. Psalm 51 gives us an “inside look” at David’s thinking when he repented of his sins. As we examine how David repented, we can learn from it and know how to do it more effectively ourselves. Look to God to restore your life! Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be…
Psalm 51 and 2 Samuel 11-12 – How to Find Forgiveness
In the introduction of Psalm 51, we are told that it was written after the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sins with Bathsheba. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the story leading up to Psalm 51. He shows that, while it may be considered “basic,” knowing and living out Christ’s forgiveness is incredibly important for each person. Your sins may be great, but what Christ did was even greater! Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon…
John 11 – The Resurrection And The Life
This is the Easter sermon from Island Pond Baptist Church! In John 11, Jesus delays helping his friend Lazarus. The disciples wonder about this, and Jesus says it is because he wants to teach them a lesson. What lesson is that? Pastor Kyle walks through the chapter and shows what is so important that Jesus let a friend die. It is something that we all must learn. Jesus wants them to know that HE is the resurrection and the life.…
Ecclesiastes 3:16 – 4:3 – The Problem of Injustice
It’s no secret that this world is unfair at times. One look at the news around the world will show that there is a lot of unfair and unjust stuff that happens to people. So how do we, as Christians, reconcile the fact that we serve a caring and loving God yet live in a seemingly uncaring and unloving world? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows that many of these observations are not new. Solomon made them thousands of years…
1 Corinthians 6:12 – Can I Take Drugs?
Is it OK to take drugs? Prescribed drugs? Recreational drugs? What about smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol? This is a big topic, but in this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives several principles that we can follow to determine what we should and should not take. This is a message both for drug addicts and those who would never be tempted to take any drugs. Does it prevent me from glorifying God? This is a key question. Sermon Clip The message…
2 Corinthians 12:7-10 – Why Is There Suffering?
Why does God allow suffering? This is the first question that will be addressed in the series “Tough Issues.” In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains how suffering started in the world, why God does not immediately take it away, and some things to remember while going through suffering. One day, all the consequences of sin will be reversed! Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on the “save” button. Island Pond Baptist Church…