"Hardships" Tagged Sermons

"Hardships" Tagged Sermons

Daniel 1 – Living Far From Home

This is a new series through the book of Daniel (focusing mostly on chapters 1-6). In chapter 1, Daniel and several of his teenage friends are ripped out of Judah and taken to a foreign land as servants of King Nebuchadnezzar. Through this chapter, Pastor Kyle shows us what we can learn from a chapter like this, focusing on how we as Christians are also living in a foreign world since we are from the heavenly kingdom. This is not…

Galatians 4:21-31 – Living In Trust

In this passage, Paul looks at the two different ways that Abraham’s children were born. One through Hagar, a servant, and the other through Sarah, his wife. Hagar conceived and gave birth when Abraham became impulsive and did not trust God. Sarah later conceived and gave birth through God’s power. Paul shows us that we need keep our trust in God’s promises. When we do not, we put ourselves back into slavery. Will you live a life of trust or…