"Following Jesus" Tagged Sermons

"Following Jesus" Tagged Sermons

Judges 19-21 – Don’t Do This On Your Own

In this last sermon in the book of Judges, we see people living their own way. They have their own morality and their own “right” and “wrong”. Obviously, this leads to all sorts of problems. Pastor Kyle shows why we need to stick to Scripture as the truth and make Jesus the fixed point of our life. Judges ends in a very sour way and the same will happen to us if we live apart from God and his direction…

Judges 17-18 – Homemade Religion

In this strange story in Judges 17-18, we see a man named Micah creating a homemade version of following after God. In the end, this results in a lot of trouble for him. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows how we often make our own homemade religion and how it ends in trouble for us as well. Homemade smoothies are good! Homemade religions are bad. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on…

John 1:43-51 – Follow Me

The decision to follow Christ is not like deciding to join the gym, where you can go as little or as much as you want. No, deciding to follow Jesus is like the decision to push the button and send the space ship up to space. There is no turning back!