"Enemies" Tagged Sermons

"Enemies" Tagged Sermons

Romans 12:9-21 – Love In Action (part 2)

What does it look like to love your enemy? How do we, as Christians, love someone who is persecuting us? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle continues looking at Romans 12:9-21. Verses 9-13 focus on loving fellow believers. Starting in verse 14, Paul transitions to talking about what it looks like to love your enemy. Because Christ loved us when we were an enemy to him, we can love others who are enemies to us. Love is often doing the opposite…

James 4:1-12 – Who Is Your Friend?

After a short break we continue through our series in James. In this passage, James will talk about two types of friendships: with the world and with God. One will lead to a life of chaos. The other will lead to a life of spiritual fruitfulness. Which one will you choose? The key word is ONE because you can only be friends with one. So if you choose to be friends with the world, you will become an enemy of…