"Bible Reading" Tagged Sermons

"Bible Reading" Tagged Sermons

Matthew 4:1-4 – Get Scripture In You

In this series, Pastor Kyle focuses on five steps to take to grow spiritually. In this sermon, which is the second step, Pastor Kyle talks about the importance of getting Scripture in your life. Looking at Jesus’ words in Matthew 4, we see how Jesus was tempted and avoided temptation by using Scripture. Consistent Bible reading is powerful! Sermon Clip Want to learn more? Kyle Lewis’ book Ignite Your Faith is now available on paperback or Kindle on Amazon.  …

James 1:19-25 – The Importance of Obedience

In this passage, James gives three different ways that Christians do not obey God. Some do not listen, others do not remember, and others do not act. Each of these three are full of problems, and James gives us suggestions on how we can get better at obeying. If we get better at obeying the Word of God, we will thrive spiritually and, as James says, “be blessed.” One of the keys to thriving as a Christian is obeying the…

Acts 2:42-47 – Four Actions of a Spirit-Empowered Christian

How do you know if you are doing well spiritually? In Acts 2:42-47, we see Christians devoting themselves to four things. While this is not an exhaustive list, these four actions are important for all Christians to focus on. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what these four actions are and why they are so important. Do you want God to work mightily in your life? Do you want others to be in “awe” of what God is doing? Do…