"Baptism" Tagged Sermons

"Baptism" Tagged Sermons

Matthew 28:16-20 – We Are Called To Make Disciples

“If we don’t know where we are headed, then any direction will get us there.” In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about where the church is headed in the next few years. Preaching from Matthew 28, he shows that Jesus has given all Christians the mission of making disciples. That should be our focus as a church and that is what we will be working toward improving in the years to come. If Jesus wants Christians to make disciples, then…

Acts 2:37-41 – Repentance and Baptism

Pastor Kyle focuses in on verses 37 to 41, which talk about the response of the people to Peter’s sermon. In these verses, we see two actions: they repent and they are baptized. These are two actions that every Christian must carry out. Pastor Kyle explains what these two things are and why they are so important today. Christians are identified by their actions. And these two actions are key in the life of every Christian. Sermon Clip (The teaching…