Sermons on Luke

Sermons on Luke

Luke 15:11-32 – The Prodigal

Guest speaker, Dave Herring, looks at the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. Dave is a former church planter and pastor. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would love for you to come and visit! 

Luke 2:8-20 – Christmas Humility

In Luke 2:8-20, God chooses to reveal the exciting news of Jesus coming to the earth as a baby. Yet he does not reveal it to prestigious or well-known people. Instead, he sends angels to reveal it to some lowly shepherds. Pastor Kyle talks about how this is a pattern throughout the Bible. God loves to use the unqualified and unsuccessful to accomplish his will! Do I have any unqualified, unsuccessful people here? If so, prepare to be used by…

Luke 15:1-10 – Jesus Loves The Lost

In Luke 15:1-10, Jesus tells two parables to demonstrate how much he cares for those that are spiritually lost. Pastor Kyle looks at these and talks about what it means for us today. If Jesus cares for the lost, then we should too! Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded by clicking on the above “save” button) Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry,…

Luke 1:46-49 – Christmas Eve Service

This is the Christmas Eve service at Island Pond! In this message, Pastor Kyle looks at Mary’s declaration of praise in Luke 1. Mary is going through a lot a difficult time when she finds out she is pregnant as a young, unmarried woman. Yet in the midst of the challenges, she chooses to praise. There is a lot we can learn from her about this. In the midst of problems, praise!   Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC…

Luke 2:8-12 – The Heart of Christmas Brings Joy

Luke 2 is the amazing story of Jesus coming to this earth as a baby. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the proclamation of joy for all people. Because Jesus made a way for us to be saved, we can have true joy. Not momentary happiness, but long lasting, deep joy. Joy is dependent on the situation. It just comes from a different situation… Jesus. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking…

Luke 2:8-14 – Peace Is At The Heart Of Christmas

Luke 2 is perhaps one of the most well-known passages related to the Christmas story. An angel proclaims the good news of Jesus to the shepherds. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle focuses on the message that is proclaimed and how it brings peace to us. But what exactly does it mean to have the “peace” that is proclaimed by the angels? How do we get it? Listen on to find out. The peace of God is an internal reality in…

Luke 8:40-56 – Why Do I Still Feel Shame As A Christian?

In this series, Pastor Kyle answers “tough questions” that he has been asked. Today’s question, the last in the series, is “Why Do I Still Feel Shame As A Christian?” Looking at a story of Jesus in Luke 8 where he heals two people in very bad shape, Pastor Kyle answers the question by explaining how being unclean is very similar to modern day shame and how Jesus healed the unclean. Jesus cleans the unclean! Sermon Clip   The message…

Luke 17:11-19 – Have You Thanked God Recently?

It is easy for people in America to take things for granted because we have been blessed with so much. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle challenges Christians to not let the blessings of our culture prevent us from being thankful toward God. We have so many reasons to be thankful to God, so let’s make sure we tell him! God calls us to honor our leaders. Not because they are worthy of it but because God wants us to love…

Luke 15 – The Heart of God For The Lost

Guest speaker Mark Sohmer preaches from Luke 15 on God’s heart for lost people and why we should care about them. Mark is one of our missionaries that serves in New Hampshire. You can visit his website here. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If…

Luke 2:8-20 – The Glory of the Lord

Three times in this short passage the word “glory” is mentioned. Why does this word come up so often? The answer to this question is why Christmas is so special. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about what glory is and why it is so important. The answer has profound implications about how we should live our lives. Not only are we called to proclaim his glory, we are called to live out his glory in our lives! Sermon Clip…

MiniChurch Service 4/9/20

MiniChurch is a short, mid-week service to help you refuel spiritually. Pastor Kyle looks at Luke 22:7-23 and explains why communion is so important.   Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would love for you to come…

Drive-in Church – Luke 2:8-20 – The Good News

With the virus spreading around, we had to move church out into the parking lot and hold our very first drive-in church. This Sunday, Pastor Kyle preached about the good news that can give people hope even in the midst of scary times. The good news of Jesus Christ can overshadow the bad news of the virus! Sermon Clip MESSAGE Notes Luke 2:8-20 – Good News Pastor Kyle Lewis   Luke 2:8-9 8 And in the same region [near Jesus]…
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