Sermons (Page 6)

Sermons (Page 6)

Matthew 1:10, 2 Chronicles 34 – Josiah: Reformed By The Word

What can we learn about an eight year old boy who becomes a king? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the story of Josiah, who is found in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:10. Josiah’s story is told in 2 Chronicles 34-35. In this story we see a young person who puts his faith in God. His life is changed even more when he discovers part of the Old Testament. As he learns the words of God he…

Matthew 1:5, Joshua 2 – Rahab: Second Chances

In this second sermon looking at the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 we turn to Rahab. Rahab’s story shows us that a messed up, sinful person can be redeemed by God. Even though we may not be involved in the same sins as Rahab, we have all sinned as well and need to be redeemed. Pastor Kyle talks about that and more. Just as Rahab renounced her own past and people, we are called to renounce our own past…

Matthew 1:3, Genesis 38 – Tamar: God Will Accomplish His Plan

Jesus had a bunch of crazy people and stories in his lineage. In this sermon series, Pastor Kyle looks at several of the stories from Matthew 1, which is the genealogy of Jesus. For the first sermon, we look at the story of Tamar in Genesis 38. It’s a crazy story and it is even crazier by the fact that Matthew points it out in Matthew 1. Why did Matthew do that? What can we learn from this crazy story?…

Acts 27 – Safe In Christ?

Guest preacher Dave Herring, former pastor of Cornerstone Church, walks through the story in Acts 27 of Paul being shipwrecked to explore the theme of being safe with Christ. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would love…

John 2:18-25 – The Authority of Jesus

In John 2:18-25, Jesus is indirectly asked about his authority for clearing people out of the temple. In other words, what gives Jesus the right to do it? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines Jesus’ authority over the temple and shows how that authority extends to you and me as well. We are not just a temple of God, we are his temple! Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded by clicking…

John 2:13-17 – The Passion Of Jesus

In John 2:13-17, Jesus goes to the temple at Passover and finds all sorts of people making a profit off of the worship of God. He then passionately drives out the money changers. What can we learn from Jesus doing this? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives two important areas that Jesus’ passion comes out in this story. True worship comes from us! Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded by clicking…

John 2:1-12 – The Power of Jesus

In John 2, Jesus is further revealed to the disciples and to us. In verses 1-12, Jesus takes his disciples to a wedding and something goes very wrong. The wedding runs out of wine. But why is that a big deal? And why did Jesus think it was important enough to perform a miracle to make more wine? Pastor Kyle addresses this and more. “When you are told to believe in him, believe in him up to the brim! When…

Matthew 28:16-20 – A Disciple Makes Disciples

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives the seventh characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, which is: A disciple of Jesus Christ makes other disciples. In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus is speaking with his disciples and gives them a command. He tells them go out and make other disciples. But how is this done? What is a disciple? Pastor Kyle looks at this and explains more. Our top priority as individuals and a church should be to make disciples. Sermon…

Acts 1:6-11 – A Disciple Testifies

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives the sixth characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, which is: A disciple of Jesus Christ testifies. In Acts 1:6-11, Jesus is about to ascend into heaven when his disciples ask him if he is going to save Israel from the Romans. Jesus flips the responsibility to what his disciples are not to do: go be a witness to the world! Pastor Kyle explains more about this and how it applies to us. Witnessing…

John 15:1-11 – A Disciple Bears Fruit

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives the fifth characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, which is: A disciple of Jesus Christ bears fruit. In John 15:1-11, Jesus gives an analogy about vines and vineyards. He says that he is the vine, God the father is the gardener, and we are the branches. As people who are part of Christ, our job is to bear fruit coming out of our connection with him. Pastor Kyle explains more about this…

1 Chronicles 11:22-25 – In The Pit With A Lion

Guest preacher Sam Taylor from the BCNE shares from 1 Chronicles 11:22-25 on the story of when one of David’s great men went into a pit to fight a lion. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would…

Romans 12:1-2 – A Disciple Worships

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives the fourth characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, which is: A disciple of Jesus Christ worships. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul talks about the importance of Christians giving him every area of their life. He says that doing this is their spiritual worship. One big reason why we worship God is because he saved us through his mercy. Sermon Clip   Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just…