'Vertical Marriage' Tagged Posts

'Vertical Marriage' Tagged Posts

Some of My Favorite Books I Read In 2020

Since 2012 I have been keeping a list of all the books that I read. This allows me to look back on the year and see how my reading has gone as well as to catch any patterns than may need to change. For example, I love reading fiction, but I benefit more from reading non-fiction. So while I allow myself to enjoy fiction, I also make sure that I am reading a similar amount of non-fiction. I am not…

An Awesome Book On Marriage

Do you want to read (or listen) to a great book on marriage? I highly recommend the book, “Vertical Marriage” by Dave and Ann Wilson. Here is why this book is so great… 1) The Hilarious and Vulnerable Stories Honestly, I could never write a book like this because they were just too open and honest. They share intimate details about their marriage, talking about both the struggles and successes. But in the midst of this openness comes some of…