'Reading' Tagged Posts

'Reading' Tagged Posts

The Power of Reading A Little Each Day

What comes to mind when I say the word BOOK? Boredom? School? Cozy evenings of adventure? I have observed that books are about as loved and hated as a political party. Some people swear by them. They would pick a book over just about anything else. However, others would never dream of going near one. Some people just really don’t like books. They find them boring compared the many other interesting forms of entertainment out there. When I was growing…

Are You A Good Steward Of Your Mind?

A while back I was walking down the hallway of my son’s school after dropping him off for class. As I did this I was peeking into the various classrooms and came across a teacher teaching something about New Testament history. I thought to myself, “Wow, I wish I been taught that back in high school!” Then it occurred to me that I was taught those things back in high school! And yet I don’t remember anything from those classes. Back…