'Politics' Tagged Posts

'Politics' Tagged Posts

Morning Fuel – Ecclesiastes 4:1 – Leaders Can’t Save Us

I read an interesting study that looked at judges and their rulings based on what they ate! In 2010, researchers tracked 8 judges in 1,100 parole-board hearings over 10 months. The judges averaged 22 years of experience. Their findings? “The chances of a prisoner being granted parole depended on the time of day that the judge heard the case.” Prisoners’ odds for getting their parole granted were highest in the morning right after breakfast. About 65% were granted a parole…

Ask The Pastor: Can A Democrat Be A Christian?

Ask The Pastor: Can A Democrat Be A Christian? Thank you church! Let’s just skip right to the loaded, controversial questions! Here is my response… To begin with, we need to establish how a person is saved: Salvation comes from believing in Jesus Christ as Lord. We are not saved through any actions or beliefs other than by believing in Jesus. So to answer your question at the broadest level… Yes! A Democrat can be a Christian. A Republican can…

Now That Biden Has Won, Here Are Three Things To Remember…

Church, I am guessing that most of you woke up this morning celebrating that your favorite candidate won or in despair that your candidate lost. Whatever category you fall into, I have a few brief words for you. Remember That God Is Still King of Kings In the midst of a very divisive election, it is easy to get caught up in politics. But in the grand scheme of time, the results of the November 3 election means very little.…