'Money' Tagged Posts

'Money' Tagged Posts

Morning Fuel – Ecclesiastes 5:10 – You Will Never Have Enough Money

In Ecclesiastes 5:10, Solomon says, “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.” Here’s the danger with money: There is NEVER a point when we will say, “I have enough.” You can be the richest person in the world, and still not have enough. Solomon was the richest person of his time. He had it all. He was mega-rich. Yet he says, “You can never have enough.” John D.…

Even Rich and Famous People Will Stand Before God

On January 26, 2020, Kobe Bryant was a passenger in a state-of-the-art helicopter that smashed into the side of a mountain. All nine people on board perished. Kobe, a super-star, super-rich, super-popular basketball athlete, died at the age of 41. I, like many others, were shocked at the news. How could someone in the prime of life die so tragically? There are many sad details to this. The loss of so many on this helicopter, the death of the teenagers,…

Why God Didn’t Let Me Win The Powerball

Several years ago, when the Powerball lottery was at some unfathomable amount, a person my wife works with gave everyone Powerball lottery tickets. We had never played the lottery before and have no plans to play it in the future, but we accepted the kind gift. For a split moment, we wondered what it would be like to win all that money (as I am sure many people did that night). As expected, God decided not to instantly grant us…

Quote on Riches

Henry Smith was a Puritan from the 16th century. This is what he had to say about riches… “Riches are like painted grapes, which look as though they would satisfy a man, but do not slake his hunger or quench his thirst. Riches indeed do make a man covet more, and get envy, and keep the mind in care.” Found in Leland Ryken book, Worldly Saints: The Puritans As They Really Were.