'Heaven' Tagged Posts

'Heaven' Tagged Posts

Ask The Pastor: Do Pets Go To Heaven?

Question: Do Pets (Animals) Go To Heaven? Answer: If you know me at all, you know I am not exactly a big dog person. I do like cats and I have also grown fond of my silkie chickens, perhaps because they remind me of cats 🙂 But I do recognize that many of you out there love dogs and other animals and have likely thought at some point, “Will my dog go to heaven? Will my pet hamster go heaven? Will…

Morning Fuel – Ecclesiastes 9:7, 9 – Look Toward Eternity

In Ecclesiastes 9, Solomon spends 12 verses talking about death and how we should live in light of knowing that we will die. What’s interesting is that right in the middle of this section he spends several verses talking about enjoying life. Here is one part of that: 7 Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart… 9 Enjoy life with the wife whom you love…” Why does Solomon give these suggestions? One reason…