'evangelism' Tagged Posts

'evangelism' Tagged Posts

Morning Fuel – Acts 4:8 – Boldness in Evangelism

Sometimes people tell me, “I wish I could be bolder in sharing about Jesus!” Heck, I know I have felt that in my own life! Now when it comes to witnessing, there is an element of courage. When you are new at it, you sometimes just have to “get over that first hump” and do it before it starts to get easier. So there is a part of it where you just need to work at it and it will…

Now That Biden Has Won, Here Are Three Things To Remember…

Church, I am guessing that most of you woke up this morning celebrating that your favorite candidate won or in despair that your candidate lost. Whatever category you fall into, I have a few brief words for you. Remember That God Is Still King of Kings In the midst of a very divisive election, it is easy to get caught up in politics. But in the grand scheme of time, the results of the November 3 election means very little.…