'Church' Tagged Posts

'Church' Tagged Posts

I’m Struggling Spiritually… What Should I Do?

Someone recently wrote me and told me they were struggling with some things in their life and consequently were struggling spiritually. The person will remain anonymous, but I wanted to share my response, with a few details made more generic. If you are struggling spiritually, here is some good basic advice to get you in the right direction. — Dear Anonymous, I am really sorry that you are having a tough time right now. I don’t have any dramatic words…

Don’t Neglect Church

Dear Church Family, We have now been enduring the effects of the coronavirus for three months. It has changed many aspects of our lives. As your pastor, I want to encourage you to stay focused on the things that matter during this strange time. One trend I have noticed throughout — both in our church and what I have heard from other churches — is that some folks have stopped attending church. So let me talk specifically to Island Ponders.…

Advice From A Demon On Accountability

One of my favorite Christian books is Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, which is a modern day take on The Screwtape Letters. Both of these are about a head demon writing to a lower demon with advice on how to destroy and minimize Christians. With both of these outstanding books in mind, I have written some new advice from Foulbreath, a head demon, to the lowly demon, Littlesnake. Dear Littlesnake, Now that you have been assigned to my squad (which should be a…