'Biography' Tagged Posts

'Biography' Tagged Posts

July 2022 Reading Challenge

July 2022 Reading Challenge Becoming Elisabeth Elliot by Ellen Vaughn 322 pages Biography Amazon Link (Available as a print, ebook, and audiobook)   Book Summary From Amazon: Elisabeth Elliot was a young missionary in Ecuador when members of a violent Amazonian tribe savagely speared her husband Jim and his four colleagues. Incredibly, prayerfully, Elisabeth took her toddler daughter, snakebite kit, Bible, and journal . . . and lived in the jungle with the Stone-Age people who killed her husband. Compelled by her…

January 2022 Reading Challenge

January Reading Challenge Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery by Eric Metaxas 309 pages Biography Amazon Link Book Summary From Amazon: Amazing Grace tells the story of the remarkable life of the British abolitionist William Wilberforce (1759-1833). This accessible biography chronicles Wilberforce’s extraordinary role as a human rights activist, cultural reformer, and member of Parliament. At the center of this heroic life was a passionate twenty-year fight to abolish the British slave trade, a battle Wilberforce…