Sermons from August 2023
Daniel 12 – How Long, O Lord?
Daniel 12 is the final chapter of the book of Daniel. This chapter ends with some final words from the angel telling Daniel to continue to wait. Daniel wants to know when God will fix things but the angel does not tell him. Instead, he tells him to, “go your way till the end. And you shall rest and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days.” In other words, “keep pressing on.” In this sermon,…
Daniel 11 – Learning From The Future
In Daniel 11 an angel tells Daniel what is to happen in the future. It is not a happy future for Israel. At least, not for a long time. But eventually, God will make all things right. How do we live in the meantime? While difficult things still happen. Suffering still takes place. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle expands on this idea and shows us how we can live in difficult times based on future events. A big picture perspective…
Daniel 10 – The Unseen Battle
In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Daniel 10 and talks about the unseen spiritual battle that is all around us. If we go around pretending that no spiritual battle is raging on then we will be in trouble down the road. Pastor Kyle gives several ways to prepare for the battle and ensure that you are not devoured by the enemy. There is an unseen spiritual battle raging around us. Sermon Clip Island Pond Baptist Church is an…
Daniel 9:20-27 – Going Through Dark Times
In the second part of chapter 9, the angel Gabriel describes a vision about 70 weeks. While this is a difficult passage to interpret, the takeaway is that there will be bumps along the road but Jesus is ultimately going to win. Things do not happen in our time frame, but in God’s. However, we can have confidence to know that God will carry it to completion. A “no” or “wait” from God always results in something better later on.…