Sermons from September 2021
Romans 2:1-11 – Good People Need The Good News
In chapter 2, Paul addresses people who act well. They are moral, do good things, but do not follow God. Paul wants these people to know that they are bound for trouble if they continue like this. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives three descriptions of moral people from the passage and then shares one encouragement and two warnings for people who struggle with living a moral life apart from Jesus. Jesus didn’t die on the cross so that you…
Romans 1:18-32 – Why We Need The Good News
The first half of chapter one was full of good news. Paul described what Jesus Christ did for us and how those who have put their faith in him have been made righteous. In the second half of the chapter, the part Pastor Kyle focuses on in this sermon, Paul talks about the bad news. In learning about the bad news you will begin to see why the good news is so important. Once you understand how bad the bad…
Romans 1:1-17 – Living With Good News
In this first sermon in our series through the book of Romans, Pastor Kyle looks at Paul’s introduction, in verses 1-17, where he talks about the most important news. It is good news to all who accept it. It is bad news to all who reject it. And it is news that we are all called to share with others. This is the gospel message. If you have been given the good news of Jesus, then you are called to…
Psalm 139 – You Belong With God
In Psalm 139, the psalmist talks about how we belong with God. He knows us, he is with us, and he made us wonderfully. Knowing this should direct our actions in life. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about why it is so important that we belong with God and what we should do about it. Since we belong with God, we need to fiercely protect our intimacy with him. Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can…