Sermons from March 2018
Hebrews 3:1-6 – Holding Fast to Christ
Here’s what I believe we will see in our passage today: Those who are truly saved will hold fast until the end. Sermon Clip
Hebrews 2:10-18 – How The Incarnation Impacts You
Knowing the word “love” doesn’t do much for you. But experiencing it will rock your world. Likewise, knowing the word “incarnation” won’t do much for you. But experiencing the impact of the incarnation in your own life will rock your world. Sermon Clip
Hebrews 2:5-9 – Jesus Christ and Suffering
Your present suffering and pain is ultimately for the benefit of those will come to know Jesus in the future. Sermon Clip
Hebrews 2:1-4 – Pay Attention or You Will Drift
The author of Hebrews makes it clear: If people were punished in the Old Testament because they didn’t listen to (the lesser) angels, how much more will WE be punished for not listening to (the far greater) Jesus.