Sermons on The Gospel (Page 3)

Sermons on The Gospel (Page 3)

Romans 8:1-13 – In Christ I Am Declared Not Guilty

Romans 8 is a very important chapter in Romans. In this first sermon through the chapter, Pastor Kyle looks at Paul’s words in verses 1-13. Paul says that in Christ we are not condemned. That is a legal phrase that points to a judge looking at the facts and then declaring, “not guilty!” How amazing is it to see that he declares us not guilty through Jesus Christ! We are set free in Christ to walk “according to the spirit,”…

Romans 6:1-14 – Wake Up! You Are Dead

In Romans 6:1-14, Paul wants us to see two things about being a follower of Jesus. First, we are dead to sin. Second, we are alive in Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what it means to be both of these things and then shares some implications and action steps we can take in light of being dead to sin and alive in Christ. To be “dead to sin” means that the power of sin has been broken in…

Romans 5:12-21 – Who Is Your Representative?

In this passage, Pastor Kyle explains that there are two teams or representatives. We all begin in the first one (Adam), and we all have the choice to move to the other one (Jesus). Paul, the writer of Romans, also writes about the importance of having Jesus as your representative but then he also shares how we should live in the light of being on Jesus’ team. If Jesus is your federal head, then it is not necessary to earn…

Isaiah 9:6 – Four Names of Christmas Hope

In Isaiah 9:6, we see four names given to Jesus. These names show what he does for us and what type of person he is. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at all four names and also shows the context in which these names were given. Through this verses we can be encouraged to know that God is with us even when we lose hope. Our greatest problem is solved when we trust in Jesus Christ. Sermon Clip   The…

Micah 5:1-5 – Christmas Hope In Scary Times

Most would agree that the past two years have been scary. Some people have feared death or sickness from COVID. Others have feared the vaccine mandate. Many have struggled with jobs, relationship issues, and many other things. In our passage in Micah 5, we see that Israel is in a really scary situation as well. They are about to be destroyed by outside nations. But in the midst of this scary time, there is a prophecy of hope. In this…

Psalm 8:3-8 – You Are Valuable To God

Guest speaker Sam Taylor preaches from Psalm 8:3-8 on how you are valuable to God. Sam is the Greater Boston Regional Coordinator for the Baptist Convention of New England. He has served as pastor for more than 20 years. Before coming to New England in 2007, he led a team of International Mission Board missionaries, helping to plant multiple churches in Eastern Europe.   Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH.…

Romans 3:21-31 – The Righteousness of God

Verses 21-26 are viewed my some scholars and pastors as the most important part of Romans. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle says that if we truly understand the righteousness of God and how Jesus Christ has made a way for us to be made righteous, then it will impact how we live out our life. We should aim to be more humble, focus on faith instead of works (in terms of salvation), and pursue unity in the church. The reason…

Romans 3:1-8 – Wrong Thinking About The Good News

After speaking about the good news, Paul stops to answer some common objections that people likely gave him as he traveled around. In this message, Pastor Kyle shares four objections (or wrong thinking) from this passage and how we should instead be thinking. People’s unfaithfulness does not negate the faithfulness of God. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on the “save” button. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead,…

Revelation 5 – The True Jesus: Both Lion and Lamb

Guest speaker Jonathan Wright preaches from Revelation 5 on Jesus being the lion and the lamb. Jonathan is the Youth and Family Pastor at First Baptist Church Lake Butler in Lake Butler, Florida. He is also a PhD student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson,…

Romans 2:12-29 – Religious People Need The Good News

Paul turns to addressing religious people in the second half of chapter 2. He wants to convey to his readers that you can be religious and still not have a relationship with Jesus. The is the danger that some religious people fall into, as they default back into their actions instead of turning to Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle points out three problems that religious people have and how the good news frees us to focus on other things.…

Romans 1:18-32 – Why We Need The Good News

The first half of chapter one was full of good news. Paul described what Jesus Christ did for us and how those who have put their faith in him have been made righteous. In the second half of the chapter, the part Pastor Kyle focuses on in this sermon, Paul talks about the bad news. In learning about the bad news you will begin to see why the good news is so important. Once you understand how bad the bad…

Romans 1:1-17 – Living With Good News

In this first sermon in our series through the book of Romans, Pastor Kyle looks at Paul’s introduction, in verses 1-17, where he talks about the most important news. It is good news to all who accept it. It is bad news to all who reject it. And it is news that we are all called to share with others. This is the gospel message. If you have been given the good news of Jesus, then you are called to…