Sermons on Wasting Life

Sermons on Wasting Life

Psalm 92:12-14 – God’s Not Finished With You!

Guest speaker Sam Taylor preaches from Psalm 92:12-14 on the idea that God can still use you even when you think you are not good enough. Sam is the Greater Boston Regional Coordinator for the Baptist Convention of New England. He has served as pastor for more than 20 years. Before coming to New England in 2007, he led a team of International Mission Board missionaries, helping to plant multiple churches in Eastern Europe.   Island Pond Baptist Church is…

Ecclesiastes 11:7 – 12:14 – Don’t Waste Your Life

In this last passage in Ecclesiastes, Solomon has some important warnings: enjoy your youthful days, watch out because aging is coming, remember that your actions still matter. Then, in the final verses of the book, he sums up his entire message by telling us to fear God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle examines the final words of Solomon and shows us how we can avoid the warning of not wasting our life. When you are almost dead, what is going…

Ecclesiastes 1:1-18, 12:8-14 – Are You Chasing The Wind?

We begin a new series through the book of Ecclesiastes. In today’s passage, Solomon warns that life can be like “chasing after the wind.” The depressing thing is that he seems to say that EVERYTHING we do in life is like chasing after the wind. Is this true? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what he is saying and how we can avoid living a life that is chasing after the wind. Jesus is the “lens” through which the rest…

Galatians 4:8-20 – Three Signs You Are Wasting Your Life

None of us want to get to the end of our life and think, “I haven’t accomplished much at all! I’ve wasted my life!” Yet that is the fear that Paul shares about the church in Galatia. He fears that he may have wasted his time with them. In this sermon, we will learn from the church of Galatia and see three signs that we are wasting our life as well. Let’s not do what the Galatians did! Do you…