Sermons on Holidays (Page 4)
Luke 2:10-20 – Wonder: The Good News
The Good News overshadows the bad news, making the bad news of life more manageable.
Luke 2:8-9 – Wonder: God’s Glory
We are created to be glory-givers! Our lives are created to reflect the glory of God out to the world. Sermon Clips
Luke 1:39-56 – Wonder: Wonder and Praise
Mary and Elizabeth were in wonder of what God was doing, so they praise him. We should follow their example!
Luke 1:26-38 – Wonder: The Announcement
When we are not obedience or willing to be used by God, we are like a muscle car with no gas. We may look good, but we are not operating in the way were intended to operate. Clip
John 17:15-18 – How Should Christians Engage Culture?
Yes, we are separate. But no, we are not isolated. We are called to be a light in the darkness!