Sermons on Holidays
Luke 2:8-20 – Christmas Humility
In Luke 2:8-20, God chooses to reveal the exciting news of Jesus coming to the earth as a baby. Yet he does not reveal it to prestigious or well-known people. Instead, he sends angels to reveal it to some lowly shepherds. Pastor Kyle talks about how this is a pattern throughout the Bible. God loves to use the unqualified and unsuccessful to accomplish his will! Do I have any unqualified, unsuccessful people here? If so, prepare to be used by…
Philippians 3:20-21 – Christmas Hope
Life is filled with hardship, physical decline, and emotional pain. It leaves us longing for something better. Drawing from Philippians 3:20-21, Pastor Kyle reminds Christians that their citizenship is in heaven, and while they face challenges now, they are waiting for Christ’s return, when he will transform broken bodies and make all things right. In the midst of hardships, there is hope through Jesus Christ. Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on…
Psalm 98 – Christmas Joy
This sermon emphasizes joy in the face of difficulties, using Psalm 98 as the main text, which is the psalm that Isaac Watts based his hymn, “Joy To The World” off of. Pastor Kyle explains that true joy stems from understanding Jesus’ work—His salvation offered to all through His death and resurrection. Even thought we all have struggles in life, they don’t need to diminish the joy we can have when we keep the eternal perspective of salvation and heaven…
1 Peter 1:3-9 – Living Hope
Jesus is our living hope! In this Easter Sunday sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at 1 Peter 1:3-9 where Peter talks about how the resurrection of Jesus shows we can have a hope that will not go away, particularly in difficult times. Since he rose from the dead, he proved that he is imperishable. Therefore, we can put our hope and trust in him while we are suffering. Will you allow trials and difficulties to destroy your faith or grow your…
Matthew 21:1-11 – The King Is Coming
The king is coming! In this Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Matthew 21:1-11 where Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey just days before he would be crucified. No matter your past or present, Jesus is offering you the chance to have peace with God. Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded by clicking on the above “save” button) Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH,…
Matthew 1:16 – Joseph: An Adoption Story
The entire genealogy goes down to Jesus’ father Joseph. But if you know the story of Jesus, Joseph is not the biological father. So why is there a genealogy of someone who is not the biological father of Jesus? The answer is: adoption. Pastor Kyle shows how the story of Joseph being the father of Jesus is an adoption story. Even more, the good news of Jesus (known as the “Gospel”) is also an adoption story because when we put…
Matthew 1:10, 2 Chronicles 34 – Josiah: Reformed By The Word
What can we learn about an eight year old boy who becomes a king? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at the story of Josiah, who is found in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:10. Josiah’s story is told in 2 Chronicles 34-35. In this story we see a young person who puts his faith in God. His life is changed even more when he discovers part of the Old Testament. As he learns the words of God he…
Matthew 1:5, Joshua 2 – Rahab: Second Chances
In this second sermon looking at the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 we turn to Rahab. Rahab’s story shows us that a messed up, sinful person can be redeemed by God. Even though we may not be involved in the same sins as Rahab, we have all sinned as well and need to be redeemed. Pastor Kyle talks about that and more. Just as Rahab renounced her own past and people, we are called to renounce our own past…
Matthew 1:3, Genesis 38 – Tamar: God Will Accomplish His Plan
Jesus had a bunch of crazy people and stories in his lineage. In this sermon series, Pastor Kyle looks at several of the stories from Matthew 1, which is the genealogy of Jesus. For the first sermon, we look at the story of Tamar in Genesis 38. It’s a crazy story and it is even crazier by the fact that Matthew points it out in Matthew 1. Why did Matthew do that? What can we learn from this crazy story?…
John 21 – New
In this last sermon in the series, Pastor Kyle looks at John 21. This chapter takes place after The Week but was only possible because of what happened from the death and resurrection of Jesus. Peter had messed up big time. But in this chapter, Jesus helps Peter see that he is forgiven and now has a mission. It is out of this chapter that Peter finally understands that he is a new creation in Christ. If you are a…
John 20 – Alive
Happy Easter! In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at John 20. From the moment Mary sees the empty tomb in verse 1 to a week later when Thomas is told Jesus is alive, Jesus’ followers doubt. They don’t believe until they actually see Jesus. Is it ok to doubt? What does Jesus do about our doubt? Pastor Kyle explores these subjects and more. At its core, being a Christian means having a personal relationship with God. Sermon Clip Island…
John 19 – Crucified
What’s the big deal with the crucifixion? Why do Christians have the cross — a method of capital punishment in the first century Roman Empire — as a symbol of the religion? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at John’s account of the crucifixion in chapter 19. A closer look at the passage shows some of the reasons why the crucifixion is so important to Christians and how Jesus dying on the cross impacts all of us. In that one…