"salvation" Tagged Sermons

"salvation" Tagged Sermons

Matthew 7:12-14 – Living Lovingly Yet Narrowly

In Matthew 7:12-14, Jesus talks about living out two seemingly contradictory aspects of the Christian life: living with love for others while also living narrowly. Jesus says he is the only way!  Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded by clicking on the above “save” button) Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding…

Romans 12:9-21 – Love In Action (part 1)

In Romans 12:9, Paul starts out this passage by telling us to have genuine love for each other. But what does that look like? How does one love another? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle focuses on verses 9-13, which talk about loving fellow Christians. He points out five different attributes of love that Paul mentions and how we can use them in our own life. Christians are to have genuine love for each other and the world. Sermon Clip  …

Romans 11:1-36 – God’s Amazing Plan

In Romans 11, Paul finishes the topic that he started on in chapter 9, answering the question, “Has God forgotten Israel?” Paul explains why God has definitely not forgotten Israel and what this means for future Jews. While most people at Island Pond are not Jewish, Pastor Kyle explains several applications that we can take away from a passage like this. Knowing that Jesus is the beginning and the end can give us hope in the middle! Sermon Clip  …

Romans 8:14-17 – In Christ I Am Adopted Into His Family

In this next section of Romans 8, Paul talks about how those who are in Christ are adopted into his spiritual family. We all love to listen to a good adoption story, but in this passage Paul says that WE are part of an adoption story from God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what that means for us and how we should live out this idea. If you have been saved by Jesus, then you are part of an…

Romans 3:21-31 – The Righteousness of God

Verses 21-26 are viewed my some scholars and pastors as the most important part of Romans. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle says that if we truly understand the righteousness of God and how Jesus Christ has made a way for us to be made righteous, then it will impact how we live out our life. We should aim to be more humble, focus on faith instead of works (in terms of salvation), and pursue unity in the church. The reason…

Romans 2:1-11 – Good People Need The Good News

In chapter 2, Paul addresses people who act well. They are moral, do good things, but do not follow God. Paul wants these people to know that they are bound for trouble if they continue like this. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives three descriptions of moral people from the passage and then shares one encouragement and two warnings for people who struggle with living a moral life apart from Jesus. Jesus didn’t die on the cross so that you…

Ephesians 2:8-9 – How Can I Be Sure I Am Saved?

We’ve all seen those people: They prayer a prayer or walk down the aisle, but then later on when something happens, they stray from their their faith. Were these people truly saved? Other people spend way too much time fearing that they are not saved. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about some of the ways a person can know they are saved and why it is so important. It is not your power that keeps you saved. You stay…

Galatians 1:1-9 – No Other Gospel

This is the first sermon in our new series through the Letter to the Galatians! In this first part, we see Paul explain how important the gospel message is and that some folks were trying to add to the message. Pastor Kyle shows that to add to the gospel message is to essentially cancel the gospel message. This letter was given 2000 years ago but is still very applicable to us as well. We often gravitate toward adding or subtracting…

James 1:12-18 – God’s Purpose vs. Your Temptation

Guest speaker Joe Ferguson preaches from James 1:12-18 on temptation and God’s purpose for your life. Joe serves as a professor of evangelism and church-planting at Northeastern Baptist College in Bennington, VT and as the associate pastor at Open Bible Baptist Church in Cambridge, NY. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow,…

Judges 13 – Samson (part 1) – The God of the Impossible

Do you have an “impossible” situation in your life? A sin you can’t conquer? A health problem that is beyond your control? A relationship struggle that won’t get better? In this message, Pastor Kyle looks at Judges 13 and shows that nothing is impossible for God. And since nothing is impossible for him, we should not lose hope. God is a God of hope! Sermon Clip   The teaching sheet for the message can be downloaded by clicking on the…

Psalm 23:2-3 – The Shepherd Restores Me

In Psalm 23:2-3, David talks about God restoring him. Pastor Kyle looks at these words and explains what it means for God to restore us and WHY we needed to be restored in the first place. Apart from God, we all have an emptiness inside of us that we try to fill with different things. Only God will fill it. Will you turn to him today to restore you? Green pastures may not seem probable to a normal shepherd in…
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