"Righteousness" Tagged Sermons

"Righteousness" Tagged Sermons

Romans 4:1-15 – A Case Study On Faith

In Romans 4, Paul moves from telling us what the good news is to giving us an example of how it was practiced. Abraham was not a perfect man. He messed up a bunch, including trying to give away the very woman who was supposed to have his son! Yet through it all, he was called righteous. Why? Because he had faith in God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains this idea and what it means for us today. Faith…

Romans 3:9-20 – The Bad News: You Stink!

None of us like to hear bad news. But sometimes bad news is necessary so that we can find a solution. If we have a big booger on our nose, we need to be told the bad news so that we can then get that booger off! In Romans 3:9-20, Paul gives some very bad news. That news is that we all stink. We all are so sinful that we cannot make ourselves righteous enough to be with God. This…

Romans 1:18-32 – Why We Need The Good News

The first half of chapter one was full of good news. Paul described what Jesus Christ did for us and how those who have put their faith in him have been made righteous. In the second half of the chapter, the part Pastor Kyle focuses on in this sermon, Paul talks about the bad news. In learning about the bad news you will begin to see why the good news is so important. Once you understand how bad the bad…