"Isolation" Tagged Sermons
Genesis 19:30-38 – The Perfect Storm of Sin
What happens when we allow sin to take root in our lives and influence us and our families? In this sermon on Genesis 19:30-38, Pastor Kyle explores how Lot’s decisions to embrace sin in a number of areas led to the perfect storm of sin in his family. An isolated Christian is an at-risk Christian. Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on the “save” button. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC…
Ruth 1:1-22 – When Tragedy Strikes
In this first sermon through the book of Ruth, Pastor Kyle explores how tragedy hits Naomi’s family in chapter 1. Some of the family responds to the tragedy poorly, while one responds well. Let’s learn from both sides and be better prepared when tragedy hits our own lives. “Naomi’s husband made decisions that brought tragedy on the entire family. May we also remember that our decisions impact our lives and the lives of those we love .” Sermon Clip (The…