"Homosexuality" Tagged Sermons
Genesis 18-19 – Judgment and Mercy
In this sermon on Genesis 18-19, we explore the tension between God’s righteous judgment and his incredible mercy. Through the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Pastor Kyle reveals how God’s justice is tempered with grace, giving us hope through the intercession of Christ. Discover how this truth impacts your life today and be encouraged to turn to the one who offers salvation to all who believe! The intercession of Abraham gives us a picture of Jesus’ intercession for us. Sermon…
Genesis 2 – The First Marriage
Genesis 2 focuses on day 6 of creation, which includes the creation of man and woman. Pastor Kyle shows how this very first marriage reveals some principles on marriage and then how it points to Jesus Christ. Your marriage is a picture of Christ and the church to the world. Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on the “save” button. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just…
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – Is It Possible To Be A Gay Christian?
In this series, Pastor Kyle answers “tough questions” that he has been asked. Today’s question is, “Is it possible to be a gay Christian?” Looking at the teachings of Paul in 1 Corinthians 6, Pastor Kyle answers the question by explaining about who is and is not righteous and how that impacts the answer to the tough question. In Christ you have a new identity and are a new person! Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can…
Romans 1:18-32 – Why We Need The Good News
The first half of chapter one was full of good news. Paul described what Jesus Christ did for us and how those who have put their faith in him have been made righteous. In the second half of the chapter, the part Pastor Kyle focuses on in this sermon, Paul talks about the bad news. In learning about the bad news you will begin to see why the good news is so important. Once you understand how bad the bad…