"covenants" Tagged Sermons

"covenants" Tagged Sermons

Genesis 17 – A Heavenly Rebrand

In this sermon on Genesis 17, we examine how God reaffirms His covenant with Abraham, giving him a new name, identity, and purpose. This “heavenly rebrand” signifies deeper intimacy with God, a promise to be a blessing to others, and the assurance of a heavenly homeland. Pastor Kyle highlights the transition from circumcision as the old covenant sign to baptism as the new covenant sign, symbolizing spiritual transformation in Christ. Christians are encouraged to embrace their new identity in Jesus…

Genesis 15 – The Abrahamic Covenant, Jesus, and You

In this sermon, we look at how God’s promise to Abram—sealed with a powerful and unique ceremony—points directly to Jesus Christ. God alone takes responsibility for fulfilling the covenant, foreshadowing Jesus bearing the punishment for humanity’s sins. Through this lens, we explore the marks of spiritual maturity, such as living with contentment and faith that God is our shield and reward. The sermon challenges us to believe, live out our faith, and give thanks to the God who fulfills His…

Genesis 8-9 – The God of Noah

In Genesis 8-9, the story of Noah and the ark wraps up and they all make it safely out of the boat. Pastor Kyle shares several characteristics that we can learn about God based on his dealings with Noah in these chapters. Salvation is shown through the story of Noah. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on the “save” button. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just…