"Alcohol" Tagged Sermons
Genesis 19:30-38 – The Perfect Storm of Sin
What happens when we allow sin to take root in our lives and influence us and our families? In this sermon on Genesis 19:30-38, Pastor Kyle explores how Lot’s decisions to embrace sin in a number of areas led to the perfect storm of sin in his family. An isolated Christian is an at-risk Christian. Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on the “save” button. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC…
John 2:1-12 – The Power of Jesus
In John 2, Jesus is further revealed to the disciples and to us. In verses 1-12, Jesus takes his disciples to a wedding and something goes very wrong. The wedding runs out of wine. But why is that a big deal? And why did Jesus think it was important enough to perform a miracle to make more wine? Pastor Kyle addresses this and more. “When you are told to believe in him, believe in him up to the brim! When…
Ecclesiastes 2 – The Solution For The American Dream
Since everything under the sun is meaningless, should we pursue it all? Instead, should we be like the monks and go live on top of a pillar to avoid all distractions and pleasure? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows how pleasure truly is meaningless, but that we are not to completely avoid it. Instead, we are to accept it as a gift from God. Once we have found life in Jesus then we will be in a position to deal…
Luke 4:16-21 – What Does The Bible Say About Addiction?
Jesus came for the oppressed and captive! If this were a middle school sports team, Jesus would say, “I want the addict on my team!”