Sermons by Kyle Lewis (Page 27)
Hebrews 1:2-3 – Jesus is Worthy of Your Attention
Jesus is more worthy of your attention than anything or anyone else. Sermon Clip
Hebrews 1:1-2 – God is Speaking, Are You Listening?
Many of us get in trouble, not because God is not speaking to us, but because we are not listening to him! Sermon Clip
Acts 1 – What Does The Bible Say About Small Groups?
Some people debate, ‘What is better, big group gatherings or small group (house church) gatherings?’ Scripture shows us in Acts the answer was BOTH!
James 1:27 – What Does The Bible Say About Orphan Care
NOTE: There are some audio problems with the video, we apologize for the issue. What if we all stood up and decided, ‘We will not be silent on this matter!’ I wonder what kind of impact we could make then.
Psalm 42-43 – What Does The Bible Say About Depression?
It will get better! On this Earth? Maybe, maybe not. But those who follow Jesus Christ can look forward to a day when there will be no more pain, suffering, mourning, or death. Sermon Clips
Luke 4:16-21 – What Does The Bible Say About Addiction?
Jesus came for the oppressed and captive! If this were a middle school sports team, Jesus would say, “I want the addict on my team!”
Luke 2:10-20 – Wonder: The Good News
The Good News overshadows the bad news, making the bad news of life more manageable.
Luke 2:8-9 – Wonder: God’s Glory
We are created to be glory-givers! Our lives are created to reflect the glory of God out to the world. Sermon Clips
Luke 1:39-56 – Wonder: Wonder and Praise
Mary and Elizabeth were in wonder of what God was doing, so they praise him. We should follow their example!
Luke 1:26-38 – Wonder: The Announcement
When we are not obedience or willing to be used by God, we are like a muscle car with no gas. We may look good, but we are not operating in the way were intended to operate. Clip
Luke 17:11-19 – Are You A One or Nine?
If we truly understand the Gospel, then you won’t be able to help being thankful to Christ for all he did. Clip
John 1:43-51 – Follow Me
The decision to follow Christ is not like deciding to join the gym, where you can go as little or as much as you want. No, deciding to follow Jesus is like the decision to push the button and send the space ship up to space. There is no turning back!