Sermons by Kyle Lewis (Page 17)
Galatians 2:1-10 – Making The Gospel Visible
Some things you just can’t keep to yourself. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares about how the gospel is one of those things. If you have been truly saved, then it is something that you will want to share. In addition to this, the true gospel in your life will “shine” out in other ways. We will see several of these ways that Paul mentions in Galatians 2:1-10. If it is important to you, then you will WANT to share…
Galatians 1:10-24 – From Terrorist to Missionary
In verses 10-24, Paul shares about how his life was transformed from being a terrorist into a missionary. He was full of hate and ended up full of love and hope. What made the difference? In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares the key ingredient to a changed life and then how it applies to those who have been a Christian for a long time. The basic message of the gospel is one that we are called to live out. Sermon…
Galatians 1:1-9 – No Other Gospel
This is the first sermon in our new series through the Letter to the Galatians! In this first part, we see Paul explain how important the gospel message is and that some folks were trying to add to the message. Pastor Kyle shows that to add to the gospel message is to essentially cancel the gospel message. This letter was given 2000 years ago but is still very applicable to us as well. We often gravitate toward adding or subtracting…
Judges 19-21 – Don’t Do This On Your Own
In this last sermon in the book of Judges, we see people living their own way. They have their own morality and their own “right” and “wrong”. Obviously, this leads to all sorts of problems. Pastor Kyle shows why we need to stick to Scripture as the truth and make Jesus the fixed point of our life. Judges ends in a very sour way and the same will happen to us if we live apart from God and his direction…
Judges 17-18 – Homemade Religion
In this strange story in Judges 17-18, we see a man named Micah creating a homemade version of following after God. In the end, this results in a lot of trouble for him. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows how we often make our own homemade religion and how it ends in trouble for us as well. Homemade smoothies are good! Homemade religions are bad. Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by clicking on…
Judges 16 – Samson (part 3) – Sin and the Spirit
Up to this point, Samson has gotten away with his sinful lifestyle. In this chapter, it finally catches up with him and he pays a very big price. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows the danger of sin, and in particular, how it can impact your intimacy with God. Is that sin worth losing intimacy with God? Sin is appealing, but it will hurt us in the long run. Sermon Clip The message notes for the sermon can be…
Judges 14-15 – Samson (part 2) – God-Ordained Pain
Why would God use a sinful man like Samson? Multiple times in our passage it says that the “spirit of the Lord” was upon him, even when he was in fits of rage, killing other people. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about how God used sinful Samson for a bigger purpose… to stir up conflict between Israel and the Philistines. This conflict started the process of breaking Israel free from captivity even when they did not want to be…
Judges 13 – Samson (part 1) – The God of the Impossible
Do you have an “impossible” situation in your life? A sin you can’t conquer? A health problem that is beyond your control? A relationship struggle that won’t get better? In this message, Pastor Kyle looks at Judges 13 and shows that nothing is impossible for God. And since nothing is impossible for him, we should not lose hope. God is a God of hope! Sermon Clip The teaching sheet for the message can be downloaded by clicking on the…
Judges 10-12 – A Very Bad Vow
What would lead a person to vow to sacrifice another human to God? In this passage, Pastor Kyle looks at the horrible vow that Jephthah made and shares some of the reasoning behind it. We learn that the surrounding culture can have a powerful influence on us and we need to be careful of we let into our lives. Do you have a Jephthah mindset? Sermon Clip The teaching sheet for the message can be downloaded by clicking on…
Judges 8-9 – Gideon Gone Wrong
In chapters 8 and 9, we see Gideon and his son make some very poor decisions that lead to their spiritual demise. As we look at the passage more closely, we see some warning indicators that led to the problems. Pastor Kyle talks about these indicators and shows the danger they have for us today. We make very poor saviors! Sermon Clip The teaching sheet for the message can be downloaded by clicking on the “save” button. Island Pond…
Judges 6:33 – 7:25 – Give God The Glory
In this amazing story of God using Gideon to conquer the Midianites, we get a glimpse in verse 2 that God does not want us to take his glory for ourselves. It is not that he needs glory, it is that he knows we will not do well putting his glory on ourselves. Pastor Kyle explains why we should make sure to give God the glory in our lives and shows us how we can do it on a daily…
Judges 6:1-32 – Wimps Who Win
Let’s face it: Gideon was a wimp. Yet despite the fact that he was fearful every step of the way, God greeted him by saying, “Hello mighty man of valor!” Why is that? The answer to that is something we all need to hear. You see, God did not declare Gideon mighty because of Gideon’s might. He declared Gideon mighty because of God’s might in him. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shows why this is so important for us to…