Sermons by Kyle Lewis (Page 13)

Sermons by Kyle Lewis (Page 13)

Romans 3:9-20 – The Bad News: You Stink!

None of us like to hear bad news. But sometimes bad news is necessary so that we can find a solution. If we have a big booger on our nose, we need to be told the bad news so that we can then get that booger off! In Romans 3:9-20, Paul gives some very bad news. That news is that we all stink. We all are so sinful that we cannot make ourselves righteous enough to be with God. This…

Romans 2:12-29 – Religious People Need The Good News

Paul turns to addressing religious people in the second half of chapter 2. He wants to convey to his readers that you can be religious and still not have a relationship with Jesus. The is the danger that some religious people fall into, as they default back into their actions instead of turning to Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle points out three problems that religious people have and how the good news frees us to focus on other things.…

Romans 2:1-11 – Good People Need The Good News

In chapter 2, Paul addresses people who act well. They are moral, do good things, but do not follow God. Paul wants these people to know that they are bound for trouble if they continue like this. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives three descriptions of moral people from the passage and then shares one encouragement and two warnings for people who struggle with living a moral life apart from Jesus. Jesus didn’t die on the cross so that you…

Romans 1:18-32 – Why We Need The Good News

The first half of chapter one was full of good news. Paul described what Jesus Christ did for us and how those who have put their faith in him have been made righteous. In the second half of the chapter, the part Pastor Kyle focuses on in this sermon, Paul talks about the bad news. In learning about the bad news you will begin to see why the good news is so important. Once you understand how bad the bad…

Romans 1:1-17 – Living With Good News

In this first sermon in our series through the book of Romans, Pastor Kyle looks at Paul’s introduction, in verses 1-17, where he talks about the most important news. It is good news to all who accept it. It is bad news to all who reject it. And it is news that we are all called to share with others. This is the gospel message. If you have been given the good news of Jesus, then you are called to…

Psalm 139 – You Belong With God

In Psalm 139, the psalmist talks about how we belong with God. He knows us, he is with us, and he made us wonderfully. Knowing this should direct our actions in life. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle talks about why it is so important that we belong with God and what we should do about it. Since we belong with God, we need to fiercely protect our intimacy with him. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can…

Psalm 119:9-16 – The Path To Purity

At the beginning of Psalm 119:9, the psalmist asks a very important question: “How can a young man keep his way pure?” Thankfully, he doesn’t leave us hanging! In the very next line his answer is: “by living according to your Word.” In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explores what it means to live by the Word of God so that we can remain on the path to purity. We need to learn the Word, share the Word, meditate on the…

Psalm 102 – Praying When Life Is A Mess

Let’s be honest, life can feel like a mess sometimes. And when that happens, the WORST thing you can do is run from God. Instead, you should run to God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Psalm 102 and shows how we can come to God in prayer when life is a mess. Through the Psalm we see that we should come to God desperately, honestly, and confidently. So when life is tough, let’s go to God! Our God…

Psalm 91 – Big Fears, Bigger God

We are all afraid of something. Whether it be snakes, death, or health issues, fears come in many different forms. In Psalm 91, we see a number of different fears that a person would experience in the ancient world. Yet in the midst of all those big fears, Psalm 91 shows that God is bigger than each of them. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explains what this means for us and then spends time answering a very important question regarding…

Psalm 84 – There’s No Place Like Home

In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy decided at the end that “there’s no place like home.” She realized that she would be most happy back with her family on her farm. In Psalm 84, the Sons of Korah give a similar sentiment, but about being near God. As ones how worked in the temple, they wanted to inspire others to come and be near God. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle explores this idea and shows that there is truly no…

Psalm 73 – The Danger of Comparing

We’ve all done it. We look at what our neighbors or friends have and we think, “Why can’t I have that?!?” In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares how this was a struggle even back in biblical times. Asaph was envious of what he saw and wrote about it in Psalm 73. Thankfully, through looking to God, he caught himself before he slipped completely. Are you envious of their possessions, yet forgetting their fate? Sermon Clip   The message notes for…

Psalm 67 – Blessed to be a Blessing

In this very short psalm, we see one very important truth: God blesses us in order to be a blessing to other people. Pastor Kyle shows us that we should use the many blessings God has given us, both physical and spiritual, to be a blessing to the world. Don’t let the blessings you have receive stop with you. Instead, use them to reach the world with the message of Jesus Christ. As Pastor Kyle mentions at the beginning of…