- One book a month.
- Share your thoughts and reactions in the comments section for each book page on our website. The links will be added next to the book titles below.
- Read, learn, grow!
Welcome to the Island Pond 2022 Reading Challenge! Over the course of the year, you are challenged to read twelve books. One per month! This year we will focus mostly on biographies of well-known (and some lesser-known) Christians as well as a few other Christian books that will challenge and grow your faith. The books are listed below. After you read the book, you will share any thoughts, reactions, and comments that you have in the comments section of the particular book page linked below.
Please keep in mind that the authors and people in these books may have content, theology, thoughts, or actions that are not in agreement with our church’s beliefs. That’s ok! We can still read them, learn from parts of them, and thoughtfully disagree with other parts of them. If you have a question or concern about something you read, post it in the comments.
Lastly, some of the longer books were put immediately after the shorter books. That way you can start the longer ones a little earlier to get a jump start.
The Books
Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery by Eric Metaxas
309 pages
Amazon Link (Available as a print, ebook, and audiobook)
Discussion Page Link






Most books can also be ordered through the local Christian bookstore Morning Star Christian Bookstores in Nashua, NH. Your local library may also have a print, digital, or audiobook copy of most of these books. Contact your town library for more information.