Psalm 19:8 – God’s Word Enlivens /// Morning Fuel

Psalm 19:8 – God’s Word Enlivens /// Morning Fuel

In Psalm 19 David talks about how God is speaking to us. And in verse 8, he says, “the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;”

He starts by saying that God’s Word (precepts) are RIGHT.

I heard another pastor explain it this way: “They are morally right, practically right, universally right, they are right because it is the revelation of the god who is always right.”

So when a right God speaks, his commandments are also RIGHT.

And when you truly have that in you, you REJOICE! Your heart is glad! It’s the opposite of how you feel when you have done something bad.

After you have really messed up, you feel guilty. You feel like crud. That’s because you brought something WRONG inside of you. But when you bring the Word of God in you, (which is right), then you REJOICE!

In the next line, David says God’s word is PURE. Another word used is RADIANT.

The Hebrew word refers to the radiance of the sun.

Just like fire is used to decontaminate, ff we let the word of God shine onto our lives, then it will do something in us!

One of the things it does is “enlighten the eyes.”This refers to eyes that are tired and then they are enlivened (or restored)!

When I was in college there was this girl I was interested in. One day she came out of the dorm,

And she looked bad. She looked tired!

I wanted to sound caring, so I said, “You look tired!”

Let me tell you, she took it in a totally different way than I intended!

Now she needed a little “enlivening” of the eyes. Likewise, if you are looking “spiritually tired” the word can “enlighten your eyes” as well!

So today, let’s be intentional about getting the word of God in us!